This thread has brought back some nice memories. One of my earliest is of a very small, or at least narrow, bookstore in Philadelphia. I was very young so I don't remember the exact location just that it was small, cramped, and musty with about 3 stories worth of books on very, very tall bookshelves about a gazillion feet over my little body. Mom and Dad were children of the depression so they rarely purchased anything unless it was a "good buy"; a mysterious term at the time to such a young’in as was I.
Perhaps my love of books partly stems from this long repressed experience, so thanks for this discussion. Thanks also, for the useful links contained herein. I found a wonderful link I use constantly...
Search by ISBN, Title, or Author and it brings up a list of on-line bookstores listed by ascending order (other options also) of price with appropriate shipping charges. Of course, some sites offer deals with free shipping and its fun to try saving a few bucks on the shipping by researching different combos of sites.
I find those sales on the sidewalk and at the local library irresistible. Once bought an 1800 page book on Criminal Law (Mens Rae and all that) on the 50 cent table and spent hours pouring through it. Yep, it was a "good buy".