fbaezer wrote:My parents listened mostly to "old" Cuban music. Mostly Ernesto Lecuona and Barbarito Díez. . . I enjoyed the Cuban music and Glenn Miller . . .
I really loved
la musica cubana, and do to this day. I liked the rhythms and the energy, despite the fact that it was "big band" style (the generation of my parents, and the parents of my friends, was WWII, so we heard the big band music until it was positively tedious). This lead me to check out music from the islands, including some of the "recitation" songs which eventually lead to rap music, many years later.
What the music of the Islands and Cuban music had in common, which i didn't understand, being just a young white boy in an almost exclusively white world, was the African influence, the rhythms and the beat. The Cuban music always seemed more "polished" than the Island music, and perhaps that is because it combined classical Spanish styles with the African beat. I also liked the greater use of intricate and sophisticated guitar performances in the Cuban music.
I've kept up with the Cuban music, although i lost interest in the Island music, which came to be dominated by Jamaican reggae, which doesn't particularly appeal to me. Cuban music seems to have "returned to its roots," although it is more likely that they were never abandoned, and i just become more aware of the folk music aspect which remains important in Cuban music. Cubamar is excellent, and their song
Cantinero de Cuba is a hauntingly beautiful song, with three singers over the playing of a single guitar. When all other musical influences have changed, lost their attraction for me, or simply become boring, Cuban music continues to fascinate and entertain me. Ten years ago, i picked up an album,
Rhythm and Smoke, which was a compilation of songs by popular Cuban artists of the 90s. It brought back so many wonderful memories, and at the same time, "re-introduced" me to Cuban music as though a new experience.
From the
Rhythm and Smoke album,
here is Cantinero de Cuba for you to listen to.. I really loved the Cubamar song, and learned that they had issued an album entitled Cantinero de Cuba, which i highly recommend.