material girl wrote:It was in the washing basket, odd as its not September!
littlek, since you have the model # (god, it sounds like we're getting carburators or something), try googling it and and brand name. I've found out of production items of various things that way. Someone out there may have an inventory.
As far as professional fittings, I had them done twice, and my reaction was
The first time the woman measured me, and I could tell the wasn't holding the tabe close enough, you know, firmly enough around my body, and sure enough, gave me this totally ridiculous measurement.
The 2nd time, when another woman gave me the measurements, I was again in disagreement.
I'm a 38C, but that's because I'm fatter than I should be. I'd love to get down to a 36B, hell, I'd settle for a 36C or 38B. Just as long as something was less. Anyway, both times (the first when I was 15 pounds lighter) the fitter told me something stupid like 40 or 42 C or D.
I told her that's impossible, and to prove it took a bra of whatever size it was, put it on and said "come look at this"
The damn thing was falling off me.
That said, take what they say with a grain of salt, experiment. Go shopping when in a good mood and have the time, and be prepared to be going in the dressing room with a bunch of different sizes until you find one that fits.