Why women never take out the trash

Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:38 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Yes Kris I'm sure you do, my intended point was that the very old stereotypes are, at best trite and meaningless and should be ignored, Ward and June are dead, may they rest in peace.

not in Hungary theyre not
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:42 pm
nimh wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Yes Kris I'm sure you do, my intended point was that the very old stereotypes are, at best trite and meaningless and should be ignored, Ward and June are dead, may they rest in peace.

not in Hungary theyre not


I know Dys. I getcha. And, generally they are dead, in the West.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:43 pm
It's true in Slovakia, too.

It's my dad's job to take the trash out. And he does. That's just how things are.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:43 pm
Eve betrayed Adam in the garden. Therefore women shall do all the work, be subservient to men, bear children in pain, and bleed monthly.

Serves you right to suffer. It's scientific and biblical.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:45 pm
That's 'bibacul'.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:55 pm
'scuse me lil miss....
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:55 pm
Huh, I always took most of the trash out, even when married.
I never changed the oil and neither did he, the cars went to the mechanic.
Tire rotation, still routine, man around or not.
Laundry, when married, whoever was home most whatever year tended to do it.
Same with cooking; we both liked to because we never felt we HAD to. (No, we didn't have children, I know it must be tough for some. Thinking of the article I read today about the family with three autistic triplets; man, they are sharp people with a big challenge).

So, many years ago, my hub and I went to visit some of his relatives in Arizona. I was in the kitchen with the guys, talking about some construction project going on. (Y'know me by now, I'm interested in those.)

I was literally shooed into the living room with the ladies. I felt like I was gonged by some bell. The women weren't all boring or anything, but I'd never been in such a gender arranged setting before.

I know this is not a dead situation, and in some cases I can see it, if the rest of the evening has flowed naturally, re interest groupings, that gender groupings result.

But, lawsy, some guys are better at laundry, they should have a chance.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 08:58 pm
I've always had to take out the trash and do my laundry Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:51 pm

Chez moi the trash taking out chore is equally avoided by the man and the woman of the household. Who takes it out is determined by who causes the mountain to topple. One stacks the trash as high as one can on the pile in the trash can and whomever places the piece that causes the pile to cascade to the floor loses and takes it out.

It has evolved into an artform of sorts.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 09:57 pm
Zayrina wrote:

Chez moi the trash taking out chore is equally avoided by the man and the woman of the household. Who takes it out is determined by who causes the mountain to topple. One stacks the trash as high as one can on the pile in the trash can and whomever places the piece that causes the pile to cascade to the floor loses and takes it out.

It has evolved into an artform of sorts.

A great way to reduce the usage of plastic. Nice to have you on the boards.....
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2007 10:01 pm
Zayrina wrote:

Chez moi the trash taking out chore is equally avoided by the man and the woman of the household. Who takes it out is determined by who causes the mountain to topple. One stacks the trash as high as one can on the pile in the trash can and whomever places the piece that causes the pile to cascade to the floor loses and takes it out.

It has evolved into an artform of sorts.

You made me laugh and I truly needed that today Laughing
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 07:45 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
COSMO is run by men...

Not quite, herring breath:

Cosmopolitan's circulation continued to decline for another decade until Helen Gurley Brown became chief editor in 1965 and remodeled the magazine. In the early 1970s, Cosmopolitan became a women's magazine complete with a sexy cover shot every month of a woman (usually) in a low cut dress or bikini. Brown wished to show the "single woman" that she was not alone in engaging in pre-marital sex; there were other women throughout the country who were doing the same thing.

In Brown's early years as editor, the magazine received a lot of criticism. Many people were shocked at the new message of the one-time literary magazine. Brown, however, took no notice and continued to print the magazine that she had envisioned.

Source at Wikipedia (i can't link it, because the idiots have a parenthesis in the url), which lists Kate White as the U.S. Editor in Chief, and Helen Gurley Brown as the international editor in chief.
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 07:49 am
I'll have you know I just took the trash out.... cleaned the litter boxes too! Neither of which are MY jobs. I was being nice.... wonder if I'll get a pressy?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 07:50 am
herring breath?... well... that hurts....
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