Ack, I can't do it, the website review. Not that I eschew sexiness, just not this package.
Remember, I lived in the tack-on apartment behind a duplex wherein the Playmate of the Year lived, though I didn't know that when I rented, in the late sixties. A mere door between our places. Yelling, screaming, thwacking, screaming, plus cockroaches. I think she won, she was a hellion, and, looking back, more power to her.
In my quiet place, I had KMET and KPPC on the radio...
before I moved.
Eva wrote:Even after you warned me, I still had to click on it. Kinda like slowing down and gawking when passing a car wreck. Which makes it perfectly appropriate for a thread of Gus's, come to think of it
I'm not sure I like the tone of your voice.
I'll bet Gus is a former police officer, I'm not going to deal this, it's all just false radar returns.
are these the same chairs that did
this ??
shewolfnm wrote:are these the same chairs that did
this ??
good one....
osso...those chippendale guys do absolutely nothing for me. I think they're ridiculous.
I never could understand why women get all screamy and **** when they see something like that. I figure if you like what you see, shut your trap and look.
I'll bet most of them are gay anyway. Seriously, they're the one's that hang out at the gym so much in general, the one's that shave their chests and all. It's a perfect place to hook up.
I love small photos of lawn chairs.
Stop changing the subject edgar.
I don't know from Chippendale dancers, but I do know my wood and plastic.
edgarblythe wrote: I do know my wood .
Im so glad you have finaly come to that place in your life. ..
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood - Chuck?
I didn't know they had lawn chairs at the cemetery.
Joe Nation wrote:Because we could say "two chairs for Gus!!! Hooray hooray"
2 chairs Gus?
(a la "2 sheds Jackson"; those in the know, will know)