Sun 27 May, 2007 05:59 pm
well now, who in the world is going to be small enough to sit in those?
actually 2 people.
The reason I posted that photo was because I have been seriously considering using it for my new avatar.
Why the hell would ya do that?
How about this nice chippendale?
Because we could say "two chairs for Gus!!! Hooray hooray"
Joe(no boos or booze please)Nation
Like Gus would know a Chippendale from a fence rail.
How bout somethin like this to represent you and CJ?
here is a very small picture of bubble tea you could use as an avatar gustavratzenhofer.
I just learned what bubble tea is from littlek.
Frankly, I think it looks disgusting, like a cup of eel eggs in the bottom of a glass of eggnog.
I don't think I'll be trying bubble tea anytime soon.
I love (well, in a manner of speaking) chairs, and those remind me of my aunt's. Perhaps those are newer, cough.
Is this the chair thread? Shall I get crazed with chair links? I see chairs as the connection of the human with things of the community, world, whatever word.
Am I in Tapioca when I should be in Lounge?
speaking of disgusting, click on this link and read their definition of a Chippendale dancer....
He knows your desire.....
I couldn't decide whether to laugh or puke.
Chippendale Man of the Month...
oh Lord in heaven, I wish you could've seen the look on my face....bleechhhhhhh!
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Chai wrote:here is a very small picture of bubble tea you could use as an avatar gustavratzenhofer.
Call me Gus
She probably figured if you were going with the Chippendale she'd have to be more formal.
Oh ****, this is the living end...
Even more...
Purposely not looking at link..
I've a friend who was a chippendale dancer in his day. I respect him as a sharp human. Exceptionally learned on subjects past sexuality, which I'll figure was his own business.
oh no must look.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
I think I'm gonna live forever after that.
What the hell have you done to my beautiful lawn chair thread, Chai.
How can you take a bunch of metal lawn chairs and turn them into nude male dancers?
How does your mind operate?
All right all right. Sigh.
I went to Chippendales in west LA with a bunch of girlfriends back, when, I dunno, early seventies. Bemused, mostly. It was at the instigation of the same friend who dragged us to the Magic Castle, or whatever the name of that place was, with David Copperfield, yawn.
Listen, I'm hard to entertain.
Back with my jaundiced view.
She was just trying to broaden the appeal of your thread, Gus. Lawn chairs for the guys, eye candy for the gals...
But frankly, if that's the best the Chippendales can do these days, I'd rather look at lawn chairs. Yuck!
Even after you warned me, I still had to click on it. Kinda like slowing down and gawking when passing a car wreck. Which makes it perfectly appropriate for a thread of Gus's, come to think of it.