Setanta wrote:Thomas wrote:Setanta wrote:I blame Wandel and the Bear. I'd blame Phoenix, too, but i don't want her to get a swelled head.
Before you go, I'd be interested in buying your phrase: "___ is a matter of indifference to me." It's still sharp and in good shape, so it would be sad to see it rot unused in the A2K arsenal. How much do you want for it?
You can have it for free . . . although i'd point out that the use of an intensifier makes it all the more effective. Such as: Thomas, your ill-informed and puerile maunderings on what you are pleased to refer to as Economics 101 are
a matter of complete indifference to me. See how much more effective that is?
I'd go with "utter indifference".
It's almost alliterative, and we all know how effective a little alliteration is.
Not to mention it has assonance, too.
Assonance gives resonance.