Mon 14 May, 2007 11:44 am
I blame Wandel and the Bear. I'd blame Phoenix, too, but i don't want her to get a swelled head.
(I'll probably be back, though, when i finish these sammiches . . . )
(I was worried for a minute there.)
you cant leave... we took a secret vote to toss you out just a minute ago....
bring back a couple of extra sammiches wouldya? Some chips would be nice, too.
yeah, I am so outta here.
I'm almost out of chips, so i'm keepin' for myself . . . here, have a chicken sammich . . . see, it's that kind of gimme, gimme, gimme that has lead me to leave this selfish and petty site . . . hand me one a them pops, will ya?
chicken sammich? I'm a vegetarian and after all this time you think a guy knows ya and then he offers you a freakin' chicken sammich?
That's it, I'm out.
Thanks, setanta. This is the first time I was blamed for anything!
Yer welcome, Wandel, if i had known, i'd have been dumping on you long ago . . .
Listen, Mr. Grumpy Bear, if you wanted one a them cheese sammiches, you shoulda said somethin' sooner . . . the dogs and i finished those off first !
grumpy bear... more abuse... lord god how I've suffered....
So you got the good ham I've send, Set.
That kid in the hat better be planning a niiiiiiiice dinner.
Where the hell is the swamp man?
Don't tell me he's in the swamp. We drained it and no Gus.
Setanta wrote:I blame Wandel and the Bear. I'd blame Phoenix, too, but i don't want her to get a swelled head.
(I'll probably be back, though, when i finish these sammiches . . . )
For a moment there I thought I might have to generate some crocodile tears as you departed. Thanks for saving me from that sort of public display.
And another thing....why wasn't I invited in for vittles?
You snooze, you lose . . . lunch was over hours ago . . .
You've probably still got chocolate stains on your face.
I'm not feeling sympathetic.