I have a tabular datasheet.
I have some queries on it .
Let me explain this tabular data .
please tell me whether i am correctly understood this table.
The 1st datasheet tells , TOTAL number of cigeretes production in EVERY year starting from 1996 and also out of these cigeretes filtered cigeretes percentage is also given .
Now , my confusion lies in the second datasheet.
For example , let me take first row for company ITC.
so, ITC has a sale of 622 crore Rs in 1999 and market share 57 % in 1999 and 46 % in 2001.
Question is :
(1) Is that sale of ITC only Filtered cigeretes ? does ITC not selling non-filtered cigeretes ?
(2) 57 % and 46 % share .......whats this share ? share of filtered cigerete sales ? please clarify what does this share means here ....this is confusing
Thank you