Tue 8 May, 2007 06:29 am
I'd like for everyone who makes war, everyone who supports war, religious zealots of every persuasion, all nosy people and all people who wish to profit beyond what is reasonable from the needs and problems of others to be raptured off the face of the earth.
If I could get that, then I would forgoe the stripper and the cake.
Would you settle for a Moonpie and an RC ? Because, that I can do.
i wonder if you can even get an RC anymore? I haven't seen one in years.... I thought they were nasty....
I thought you liked nasty...
Nah, I don't think remote controlled cars are nasty
Howsabout this ? I will travel to your city and buy you and a small, select group of friends dinner.
Stuh, you're welcome too.
Char Grill ?
Give Thomas a hug for me when he gets there. Well, maybe you'd rather squinney did the honors.
Happy Birthday, Bear. You wished for The Rapture and here it is:
the semi goth chick with the van halen shag gets left behind for me right?
LionTamerX wrote:Howsabout this ? I will travel to your city and buy you and a small, select group of friends dinner.
Stuh, you're welcome too.
Char Grill ?

I'm a vegetarian... how about Wendys? Then I can get a baked potato...
What about a nice gift card to McDonalds, so you can go there for coffee at 6am with all the other elderlys?
Sounds good to me, LionTamer! Let it be known that I like meat. Red meat.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:What about a nice gift card to McDonalds, so you can go there for coffee at 6am with all the other elderlys?
usually your mom just makes me coffee... and eggs.....
Re: What I'd Like For My Birthday
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:If I could get that, then I would forgoe the stripper and the cake.
<putting away the tasseled belt>
Happy birthday BPB.
Thomas should be in around 6 pm.
squinney wrote:Thomas should be in around 6 pm.
Say Hi to Thomas from the Chicago A2Kers. (We met him a year ago at the Chicago gathering.)
Of course, I was sorry that you and your delightful husband were not able to make it last year, squinney. (Some of us at the gathering were talking about the two of you.)
squinney wrote:Thomas should be in around 6 pm.
now THAT'S a good birthday present.
A lovely gift. He's delightful!
Wandel - Told him you said hello. I met LionTamer a few weeks back, and hope to meet up with Stuh while Thomas is here. This meeting A2Ker's may become an addiction.
You will be disappointed to learn that I, in fact, do not exist in real life. Hehehe