Sat 7 Apr, 2007 05:26 pm
There is this book that I've read recently and which struck a cord with me as no book has for a long time. The author is a young guy, living in Bangkok. I found him online, on a photojournalists forum, where you can send private messages. Many times I almost wrote, but never found enough courage.
Until last night. Went to an old-timers punk rock show, had a few beers. In a jolly mood we then sat around with friends at an apartment of theirs. I had my computer with me, coming from work, and what do you know, there was wireless. Fumbling around the photojournalist forum popped up (I wasn't looking for it) and I remembered my great idea of writing a note of appreciation.
My introduction was spectacular. Not only did I mention right in the first sentence that I'm drunk, it also sported several typos. The best of which was: "Just wanted to let you know I'm a fuge fan." When I read the PM this morning, I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Hope the poor author will at least get a chuckle, unless he's bummed that strangers like me can stalk him online and write messages to him.
Anyhow, what have you done that made you doubt your sanity next morning? Fess up! I'm all ears.
am i the only fool who does silly things under influence?
if it's any consolation, i doubt my sanity most every morning
In my ten or so years of being online, I've never PUIed...posted under the influence, mainly because it's rare for me to drink, and when I do, a computer is the last thing on my mind.
At my old stomping grounds...Christmas/New Years 02, there was a guy {we had never heard of him before} that wrote two or three posts, in a 10 min period, that were filled with the most hilarious material I have ever read. They were only up for half an hour or so before a Mod came along and deleted them, plenty of time to get a great laugh, but not one of us thought to save them....sure wish I had. It was your basic drunken rant, but the rant had nothing to do with anything on our site...I guess he was lost, reading on one site, replying on ours?
If I did not use spell check, I'm sure most of you would think I was high on crack...or just retarded.
dagmaraka wrote:am i the only fool who does silly things under influence?
That's right, the rest of us are alcohol intolerant.
dagmaraka wrote:am i the only fool who does silly things under influence?
Oh nooooooo. You're not. Rest assured. We are legion.
I could confess to many things but.......
Ha. That's a good story dagmaraka. It will be interesting to see if he responds.
Alcohol really does loosen things up-- it gave you the liberty to make a typo. And a funny one at that. As far as I'm concerned, typos are underrated.
One time we broke into a golfcourse in the middle of the night and did daredevil stunts while I was holding on to the roof. (I spell like I'm drunk all the time).
Then their was the time I drove a car off a small cliff were they wern't done building a bridge but not before we drove through two roadblocks.
It's true and the list goes on and on. It's funny because I survived but now I limit myself to harmless stupid stuff.
Like the time I cut the power off to a whole bar.
well, boomer, start with innocent ones. then we'll see where things go...
"Where am I?"
"Who are you people?"
"Did I have clothes on when I got here?"

i can't wait for the less innocent stories already!
making mental note, must go drinking with boomer some day
Well, I just poured some influence. I'll let you know how the evening progresses.
Must find something for dinner, or I will be completely blotto...
All I'm saying is...
I've known a few photojournalists.
Drunken fan mail from girls named Dagmar is what they live for.
If he doesn't respond he isn't someone you'd really want to know anyway.
sichuan green beans
blazing red curry steak
shrimp pad thai
sounds good! That god for delivery people. Influence working nicely.
He's so handsome. SO interestin. Writes like a God. He traversed all of Southeast Asia on foot for years. Discovered the lost director of the Tuol Sleng prison (where over 20,000 were executed. Only 7 survivors) on one of his journeys by an old photograph he carried in his pocket for many years. I want to bear many children for this man! (that i THANKGOD didn't write).
the stupides under influence act i did was in college. we drank before an English language class, which was in the evenings. Not much, just enough to be in that silly giggly mood. It was about half of the class - about 12 of us. One of them was playing a guitar in the corner. Some were singing. The teacher was a wonderful guy. When I saw how upset he was I was ashamed for us all. I concentrated all my energy into appearing perfectly sober and concentrated. I went and apologized for all of us the next day. We became good friends later.
College people are so stupid sometimes, all over the world.
JPB wrote:sichuan green beans
blazing red curry steak
shrimp pad thai
sounds good! That god for delivery people. Influence working nicely.
haha. Anyone has Amy Sedaris' I Like You! Hospitality Under Influence?
Great book.
Tell me I didn't type 'that god'!
you didn't. it was the hamsters. they must've been drinking again!