Actually, if you look close, that's Craven with a Fro. I've seen that expression on his face too many times to not recognize it.
You're voting for President, not BBQ guest. (Jack Kerouac)
Ha, pretty funny actually (the whole thing).
<b>Charity Hope Valentine</b> wrote:Karaoke with Engelbert in a lil Korean bar in NY? This 32nd of March will end in some hours and all will be forgotten.
Karaoke with Engelbert in a lil Korean bar in NY?
All web links now point here: However, the embedded hotlink itslef is being translated from to www.<b>Foolish Website</b>.com, so the hot link doesn't work. This aapril fool joke got a bit to complicated for the person who coded it
Its a gradual unfolding of **** on <b>Naughty Website</b>. I just noticed that anytime we use the word din o'saur it gets changed to Barney.