I wonder if we can put together a bit of a ploughman's lunch. I've got sandwich stacker pickles, lotsa lotsa cheeses, some mustards, some nice breads and buns <slap> , JoanneD's got pickled pigs feet and pickled eggs. I think we could put together a nice feed.
Starvin' yet, barkeep?
Comin' right up (psst . . . tell t'at fellah in the corner how nice "she" looks in t'at green dress, will ye, he's mopin' all ayvnin', 'bout to kill t'e party . . . )
Hmmmm.. Well let's toss a pig ear to Killer there. He's never had one so it'll be interesting to see if he goes fer it. In the mean time I think I'll mosey on down to the end of the bar and sidle on up with a lass... :wink:
We'll need some near raw roast beef . . . fer the wee dogs, of course . . .
SoCo gave me away..didnt it?
Not to worry . . . we takes all custom here, 'cept fer the peelers, or course . . .
quinn1 wrote:SoCo gave me away..didnt it?
Who else could it be? lmao
Man'o'man I cannot keep up!
OH..I think I see a fine looking fisherlike man, love those waders baby
Barkeep! The lady in the coconuts can't keep up! Ya might be bringin' 'er 2 drinks this time!
PLOP [/color]
all right, all right, now who dropped their arse in the middle of the bar ?
monsters? monsters? no monsters here.
Setanta! Faith, me lad, and how c'n ye be havin' a shabeen w'out poteen? Here's a jug o'the freshest fer the Lads 'n Collens, but mind yer fire near the fumes, ere we abandon this stye in screamin' panic! And I've brought some deer hooves fer th' doggies ... keeps 'em busy longer 'n pigs ears.
O.K. barkeep- A Geoge Dickel & ginger ale for me. Who took all the peanuts?
@ would be good! Thanks you, you, walrus you
Jus' lemme slip over ta t'e 7/11, ye'll have all the peanuts ye can ate . . .
(Declan ! ! ! Declan ! ! ! . . . git yer lazy, worhtless arse out here boyo, mind the bar while i'm away . . . and stop starin' at them coconuts, the lady doan appreciate it . . .)
Ay! Phoenix heads straight for the rot-gut stuff. Dickle eh? Haven't net up with old George in years.
'cuse me while I go and chat wid the lass wid the bear in the BSDM outfit in the corner.. She's kinda been given' me the eye if ya know what I mean.
Spiced peanuts,
cashews and
pistachios coming round.

finished off most of the couch potato mix earlier. There is a [size=7]
bit[/size], but really, not enough to put out on the bar.
Alright, a bar on a cold & windy night. I'd take a shot of JD with a coke back... if it wouldn't be too much trouble.
Deer hooves?