traids traids triads and more triad stuff!
traids traids triads and more triad stuff!, if uve red the posts u'll probly already hav realized im traid crazy so why not join in the fun!...... if u have a problem jus join us.... we'll take gud care of u!!!!!... hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! goin now cos i dont want 2 start talkin 2 myself again... bye guys, im going forever this time, ive found a better place, maybe i'll c u ther sumday, if i dont then take care and injoy life 2 the fullest, as u only get 1! chance 2 live life once as ur self,peace , falkon signin out, safe ..FELLOW TRIAD FOLLOWERS KEEP LOOKING FOR THE TRIADS ON THE WEB AND DONT GIVE UP YOUR GOAL UNTILL ITS COMPLETE.AND DONT LET PEOPLE PUT OYU OFF THE HOLE IDEA BY BE-LITTLING IT, GOOD BYE BROTHERS! C U SOON