Does anyone besides me think scotch tastes like watered bourbon?
good point, Wilso. Bear -- whatever it is that's eating at you will find it's own outlet. Right now it's middle-of-the-night wanderings, stiffle those and it could become an ulcer or some other manifestation. Tis better to deal with the issue than self-medicate the symptoms.
<but you already knew that>
Hey Bi-Polar Bear,
I seem to remember that you do or did play guitar and sing. I do a high-tech solo act and have for years. There we some busy years in which I would get home when it got light, and get up in the late afternoon to repeat the deal.
Everything I owned had an edgy patina of cigarette yellow, and the stink of smoke, sweat and cheap perfume.
On top of that, I was somehow still perceived as "The Band" and got dragged into and through any number of "Social Occasions" not of my making.
I rarely slept well, I had to have tinfoil on all bedroom windows, I kept my answering machine on all the time, I had to take sleeping pills etc, just to get some rest.
roger wrote:Does anyone besides me think scotch tastes like watered bourbon?
hmmmm, bourbon is ok, but I enjoy a number of different single malts.
It's true. The effectiveness will decrease and the inclination is usually to find something stronger.
My solution to everything is massage when you can get it. I'm pretty sure it is one of the reasons my folks had kids.
Probably doesn't cost much more than the pills, actually, to pay for it.
I say anything in "moderation" is healthy. Go for it!
Older single malt scotch can run rings around bourbon, but then I like that too, and so did that friend. Alas, the drinks we used to have from a that friend of ours before chinese food are now unattainable in width and breadth for any reasonable money. Never too much, but savored.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:not to be a dick..but i don't want to share that info.not just withyou... anyone. it will come out eventually i have a feeling, which is one of the causes of my anxiety.
I don't know if this will help or not; be we all already know you're gay.
Re: I've Started Taking Valium Every Night
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It's the one thing I really look forward to.
Is that okay?
No, not if it's the
one thing you really look forward to, Bear.
But I doubt that it
is the one thing.
I'm sincerely sorry if you're going through a rough patch. But rough patches generally pass, thankfully.
I have been taking a 5mg. valium with a 25mg. Benadryl at bedtime, for years. Hasn't lost its effectiveness yet!
OCCOM BILL wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:not to be a dick..but i don't want to share that info.not just withyou... anyone. it will come out eventually i have a feeling, which is one of the causes of my anxiety.
I don't know if this will help or not; be we all already know you're gay.
So I let you blow me that one time.... I was drunk... it was a party.... stop calling me. I'm not gay.
JPB wrote:
hmmmm, bourbon is ok, but I enjoy a number of different single malts.
I think, Bourbon is only okay when you really don't have something else.
As far as I remember, it takes some night-drinks to become an expert in single malts - but it works.
Generally :wink:
Bi, you must have been drunk, if you confused Kicky for me. I gather you're not a regular blood donor either; or you'd know the FDA bans blood donation by any man who has had sex with another man, even once since 1977... because that is the measure of homsexuality.
Kicky are you going to take that **** from this closet knob polisher?
Damn, I would love to verbally and metaphorically take a chunky, runny wet dump all over Bill's face, just like I know he likes it, but I don't have the time or the energy right now. Gotta do some chores n ****. Carry on.
Re: I've Started Taking Valium Every Night
Bi-Polar Bear wrote: I've Started Taking Valium Every Night. It's the one thing I really look forward to.
Is that okay?
No, it's not.
I agree with Squinney.
Seriously, I think it's probably not a good thing to be taking drugs every night, whether they be prescription or recreational.
Ha! Like I should talk.
BPB - perhaps a different sleeping aid would help.....
this morning I used a tried and true sleeping aid.... I was like, exhausted. worked like a charm.