Yes, and we here at A2K will find him the best help possible for that affliction.
Is he FEELING afflicted by his condition?
Deb, omigod, you're right. I can't keep up with Craven's avatars. But a bunny. Isn't one enough? You know what they say about bunnies. You have two bunnies. Then ten bunnies. Then fifty bunnie. Then, well, there are too many freakin' bunnies.
...but, Deb and Roberta, what if Craven turns out to be a wolf in bunny clothing? yummmmmm
Are all those bunnies related by blood?

This entire bunny discussion has become obsolete. Craven went from bunny to dog to a face with something in front of it. What will be next?
Well, Roberta, it's your retirement fantasy, so pick another member - uh, another member's Avatar - uh, whomever - and let's riff on a lifetime with him, what d'ya say?
sweetcomplication, Sounds like you've got the makings of another thread--and another fantasy. I'm still hanging onto retirement, hammocks, and hunk buttons.
Roberta, You sure that's not a typo, and it should be "bottoms?"
No typo, c.i. First the button, then the bottom.
Roberta, you've changed the world of garden-shop shopping. I can't go past a hammock without getting the giggles anymore.
hey - I did a thread on the avatars for whom you have a soft spot theme!!!
Oh, Craven's bunny may be back, he seems to have some kind of random reselection thing going.
On the hammock in the yard. Don't. The weeds will grow, bugs will be jumping around, you'll need a refrigerator nearby or have to keep getting out of the hammock for a cool drink. Plus you'll require a book shelf, and that will be hard to maintain outside. Also, it will get chilly or windy and/or you'll be sunburned funny.
Quote:On the hammock in the yard. Don't. The weeds will grow, bugs will be jumping around, you'll need a refrigerator nearby or have to keep getting out of the hammock for a cool drink. Plus you'll require a book shelf, and that will be hard to maintain outside. Also, it will get chilly or windy and/or you'll be sunburned funny.
Osso, I wouldn't know a weed if it stretched up to the bottom of the hammock and bit me on the ass. Bugs would be jumping around regardless of whether I was in a hammock or a lounge or a chair. I can do without cool drinks. And I don't want to read. I want to look up at the sky and find shapes in the clouds. I don't mind chilly or windy. In fact I prefer chilly to hot. And I'll wear sunscreen. And to hell with reality. If I can get into the hammock, I'll get out of it too.