Thu 3 Jul, 2003 01:24 am
Defacing affects the end user less than other attacks like DDoS etc.
You prolly won't notice anything.
Good morning Craven. The description made me think normal users need not be concerned. I thought it was designed for corporate users and A2K members might want to know to bring it to the attention of IT administators of their firms. I posted a later copy with the correct date of 7/6/2003.
Yup, saw the later one, you coulda just edited in the correct date. Thing is, if a system admin needs a warning like this to keep his server secure they deserve to be defaced.
I am of course only speaking of system admins who leave old exploits unpatched and make the internet a more dangerous place for everyone (since their servers are often exploited and used to attack other servers).
Anywho, thousands of sites are attacked every week. The contest site looks to be down but there are many defacement mirrors that will post sreenshots of any defacement.
It's a toss up right now as to whether there will be any spike in defacing or not.
By the way Craven love your avatar (second only to mine of course).
I bave beard rumors of a nasty virus out tbere tbat could really raise bell. Supposedly, tbis virus replaces all your letter "b's" witb "b's". Wby anyone would want to do tbat, I bave no idea wbatsoever.
Anyway, just passing along tbe rumor. Stay vigilant and you bave notbing to worry about. Ba ba ba.