Sat 3 Feb, 2007 11:50 am
Now I have another question: I need poems on different kinds of dances - e.g. fandango, czardas, flamenco, etc, including rain dances, ritual religious dances, national dances, and so on and so on. I need fairly short stuff, no epics or such, and if it has rhythm and rhyme so much the better.
I've milked Lit Finder and most of my books pretty dry, and I can't get to the public library, unfortunately.
The only thing that comes to mind is the old Shaker hymn "Lord of the Dance" (re: religion). I don't know if that's what you have in mind. I'll think on it.
Poems on dance
Tai Chi - I did have that one rather vaguely in mind, however it's a bit longer than what I'm looking for. But thanks very much, anyway.
My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Roethke
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until the pan
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.
The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle.
You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.