Tue 30 Jan, 2007 06:30 am
My friend has asked me to put this on here, must admit I don't quite know what she's talking about, but here goes:
Where can she buy a Web package already set up from?
U.K. please, she said she saw an advert for them, but now is having difficulty locating one.
Do you know what she's talking about?
Can you help?
smorgs on behalf of Mo (who's single and gorgeous btw)
smorgs- As much as I can figure, a "web package" is some software where a person or business can set up a website. I would assume that the package would address particular needs, and have all the things that you require to set up your own website.
I Googled "Web Packages"/ UK, and come up with a bunch of sites that offer these services.
Forgot to say Thanks, phoenix.