Sat 27 Jan, 2007 01:44 pm
My little sister, the one of the West Coast is in the hospital now. I'm not liking being so far away. She was told the baby would come late - a week or more after her due date, but today is a week or more before her due date. The baby had turned head down last week, but was facing backwards (toward my sister's spine?). But, the water has spoken, the baby must come out. There's been no word for over 6 hours.................
I'm a little nervous.
How exciting. Will you be an aunt for the first time?
No, third time aunt.
I just talked with my sister. She went into labor at 1am her time, her water broke at 5am. She went into labor 11 hours ago.
Will it be an impatient boy or an impatient girl?
Babies! My favorite people.
Is this your sister's first, K? Hoping everything is going to go fine. I'm here to hold your hand if you need it.
Yes, Swimpy, it is my lil sister's first.
Noddy, he will be a he. Unless the ultrasounds were very misleading!
Why am I so aggitated? Must be because she's so far away. I was local to my older sister when she had her 2 kids.
I have things I have to go do...... bringing my cell phone.
Swimpy, if I still haven't heard by the time I get back, I might need some of that hand holding.
As I'm sure you're aware, first babies tend to take their own sweet time.
Actually, try to do
anything on a baby's schedule....
Here's hoping everything come out alright. So to speak.
She is going in for a cesarean after 12 hours of labor........ The boy didn't turn around and every time she stopped pushing, he slipped back into the uterus.
Oooh, that's too bad. So frustrating after 12 hours of labor.
Hope that means she gets to see her baby soon though! (Exciting!)
I know I want it to be over! I can't imagine how she and her hubby feel right now.
littlek, i hope you can take some time off and go see yer sister and new nephew...
I can't really. She did ask if I could. My parents are scheduled to go out there in about a week. They'll be available to my sister for 3-4 weeks.
All the waiting just wears me down. Of course, it's worth it, in the end.
He's here! They're both fine, so I have been informed. He was 7lbs9oz - not a small, 2-week early weight. We think they might have been wrong about the date of conception. No name as of yet.
congrats to auntie k, mom & dad, and jr!
Thanks for being there everyone!