Mon 23 Jun, 2003 07:36 pm
Dear Viewers,
Does anyone know what rock band is on the new Best Buy commercial? The one where a rock band is on TV and everybody's dancing to it....I belive they are singing "theres no where to go" ? Thank you people!
Bodyguard, welcome to A2K!
I don't think I've seen that Best Buy commercial, but I'll keep my eyes (and ears) peeled...
The artist's name is David Garza read more about him
Re: Swimpy sorry that's not the one. this guy had long black hair and was a rock guitarist. But thank you for trying!
Oh well....anyway it's nice to meet you!
That would be "Low" by the Foo Fighters I believe. From the part played on the commercial that's what it sounds like.
**Edit** Yup that's it, the "as low as you go" part is later in the song.
Thanks for answering that one, ClickForth - and welcome to A2K!
Hiya, there seems to be alot of subjects in these forums to keep me busy. I'm clickforth, and I'm addicted to SWG.....oops, wrong place for that.