I once was looking for Dick's Sporting Goods online...you may be familiar with the store. Anyway, not thinking, I typed in ...dicks.com You can imagine what came up.
Bella Dea wrote:Either way, I am ok wandlejw. No permanant damage done. I'm a tough cookie.
I always knew you were tough, bella. However, I felt you may have been vulnerable at this time (first trimester?).
He's back, and he's using some of the same images. DO NOT VISIT THE "EMPEROR, DOES IT MAKE SENSE?" thread.
Aargh............You beat me to it, Set. I just reported it! I wish that there were some way that newbies could be prevented from posting very large files. That would get rid of stuff like that!
He's back, under the name "Spacemarine," and he's posting his images all over the site.
wandeljw wrote:Bella Dea wrote:Either way, I am ok wandlejw. No permanant damage done. I'm a tough cookie.
I always knew you were tough, bella. However, I felt you may have been vulnerable at this time (first trimester?).
Suprisingly, only the thought of food makes me ill.
I'm sure they already did. He can just use a computer at an internet cafe or in a school. He's attacking as many threads as he can post to--i advise everyone to go off-line.
I bet it would be a surprise if I told you I have seen two out of the three pictures he posted before.
You are sooooo sophisticated.
Are the porn sites deliberately salted with viruses and other uglies or are the viruses divine retribution for porn-snoopers?
Noddy24 wrote:Slappy--
You are sooooo sophisticated.
Yes. Only the finest boxed wine over here.
Noddy24 wrote:Question:
Are the porn sites deliberately salted with viruses and other uglies or are the viruses divine retribution for porn-snoopers?
Porno sites are hot-linked to one another, and as often as possible, they hot-link to non-porno sites. The biggest risk is that you will get sucked into the porno vortex, and that they will download all kinds of nasty sh!t to your box without asking.
Are porn sites deliberately salted with nasties or is visiting a porn site in the "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas" scheme of the universe?
Are the nasties there deliberately or do the visitors just shed them like vermin?
At one time, I was doing stuff for the Portal. I had the occasion to visit web sites (mostly music) that were geared towards young people. I did not have a good pop-up blocker at that time.
Oy! I have never seen so many pop-ups in my entire life! I think that there are certain types of sites that are prone to be connected certain sorts of nasties!
I don't know what you mean by nasties. Porno sites attempt to change your home page, they attempt to load spyware on your computers, they attempt to hot-link you to other porn sites (something which they are very good at), and they attempt to download images and videos to your box. If you don't visit them, you are safe, and they don't necessarily deal in "viruses"--after all, they want people to come back, which you couldn't do if your box were trashed by a virus.
I just saw a glitch involving the times of posts on another thread. Is A2K experiencing problems from this morning's attack?
(i may be wrong about that. either the glitch was corrected or i have become paranoid.)
Beats me.
Here is my story: When i first got a computer, i was living in a large house with five other men. One of them, an acquaintance who had convinced me to move in, collected all of the utility money. I used to give him a check or money order made out to the utility, which actually aided him in his scam. Since he had signed up on a minimum payment plan, making some payment allowed him to run up large, unpaid balances. He was getting cash most of the time from other residents, and he and another resident were pocketing the cash. Later, when i became suspicious of him, i advised other residents to only give him checks or money orders, and he was gone within a week. We later found out that there was an unpaid balance in excess of $1,300 with the electric company and of more than $900 with the gas company.
In April of the year after i moved in, i was to have gotten a new debit card from my bank. When May rolled around and i had no new card, i called the bank to complain. They told me that the card had been mailed at the end of march, and had been activated in the first week of April. Although it could not be used to draw money from the bank, he or they did use it online at porno sites. Fortunately, they were actually too stupid to just go use it at stores--or, perhaps, they had attempted to do so and get cash at the same time, and had been rejected because they didn't know the PIN. At all events, the bank immediately canceled the card, told me to go to such-and-such a branch for a temporary card, and mailed me a new one. I later discovered that the pins in the hinges of the door to my room were not "set," so i suspect they gained access by taking the hinge pins out and removing the door. Thereafter, they had access to the computer, and they had my bank card.
In the following statement, there were several charges i did not recognize, totaling more than $200--almost $300. One was "World of Bondage," which immediately clued me. By then, the thieves were gone, along with their collection of bondage magazines. The bank would not stop the automatic payments, and would not give me the addresses or phone numbers of the people making the charges. I did manage to get a couple of them by going to another branch, getting the bank employee to call up my account, and then casually asking for some retirement fund brochures. When she left her desk, i was able to copy some information from the screen of the computer. But, ultimately, the bank would not cooperate, so i simply closed the account, and moved to another bank.
I moved out the following summer, and in my new apartment, i got coaxial cable DSL. With the highs-peed download, it was easy to go download game modifications for my RPG games. For images, i went to fantasy art sites. At one of them, there was a link for "great fantasy images." It lead me to a scummy porno site, and the pop-ups and hot-links began. There were more than 20 windows open before i simply reached down and unplugged the computer. Later, i did visit "porno" sites voluntarily, but there are a lot of sites, which are linked to fantasy art sites, and which do not hide the fact that they have nude images, and which are known as "nude art sites." You have to pay for most of their images, but there are images you can browse for free, and there are no pop-ups and no hot-links. I've learned a great deal, and one thing which struck me right away was that most of them have disclaimers about hot-links and pop-ups, and ask you to contact the webmaster if that happens to you.
Reputable sites don't ask you to contact the webmaster, because reputable sites don't allow pop-ups and hot-linking. If you respond to a scum sites request to contact the webmaster, you've just given them another e-mail address which they can sell.
Live and learn--i've not learned enough that i'd ever claim to be expert, but i did have some eye-opening experiences.
I didnt even know that you could hotlink downloading sites
i DID.. but. not like that..