Hang Tuah (Malaysia History)

Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2010 06:39 pm
Totally agree. Some are in the denial mode.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2010 06:44 pm
Hahahahaa..... who told you he use silat or you see it with your own eyes. How do you proof that your history is original history? I like your last statement cos really give me a good laugh..hahahahaaa...
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Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 02:42 pm
Because the story of Hang Tuah is folklore, and not history.
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2010 02:33 am
Go along Sungai Buaya. Ask the people there.
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Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2011 09:51 pm
@malay muslim,
A Chinese IS a Chinese; a Malaya Is a Malay; an Indian IS an Indian. Just because a person change his or her name, does it mean that they are also changed in their origin or race??? What blasphemy!!
Reply Tue 15 Feb, 2011 05:08 pm
what do u mean by original history? is original history the true story? coz if its the true story, den what u have been reading from the history books are certainly not the true story my dear airil..silat is just kungfu in slow motion..lol..
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Reply Mon 28 Feb, 2011 07:58 am
Be grateful guys of what we have in malaysia, so peaceful n harmony, take a look at other countries who're facing war every single day, living in fear, doesnt have enough food/drinks, disease everywhere.. im so pity with them, try to make a good relationship with other races, im a malay and my bfriends are chinese and indians, i love them so much, even though we're diff in terms of culture, religion and language =) but we still respects one and another, i believe that all races have this kind/type of ppl who have sick problem of racism in their heart, this kind of ppl make one race looks so bad, "Kerana setitik nila, rosak susu sebelanga", though one race has that kind of ppl in it, doesnt mean that all the ppl in it are bad, "Dlm setandas pisang tak semuanya busuk", please be rational, TAK KENAL MAKA TAK CINTA =) Peace~
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 03:01 pm
I agree. It is not the race. It's the people. Just because some people are bad, that doesn't mean we should blame it on the colour of their skin.Our skin colour may be different, but the colour of our blood remains the same. Tanah tumpahnya darahku.

However, we cannot hide the fact that racism is a problem in our country. There are many politicians who are racists, and this is where the problem comes in. The following is a link to just one of a number of countless videos that show racism in Malaysia:

Malaysian Muslims, and of other religions alike should learn from the Holy Books.
"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).

"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,.." (Acts 17:26 )

If the people in power can learn from these, then my friends, I promise you a better Malaysia. For now though, 1 Malaysia may well be just another dream conjured up from an idea too foreign to ever be realized.

I'm a Malaysian Chinese studying in the UK. I frankly don't see myself working in Malaysia in the future. The prospects are just too bleak for a person from a race considered as 'asing' to some(note that i say some) of those in power. I can understand why so many students from Malaysia left the country for places like Singapore, Australia, the US and the UK.

Having said all that, I still love Malaysia and the Malaysians of course. I will never forget my roots. I'm just saying that those that are racists are those with power. And that's too bad for them because they're gonna have one less brain to help. Smile
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2011 01:44 pm
bullshit.....u don"t know what are talking about
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2011 01:45 pm
u dont know anything about history....u are talking bullshit !!!!!!!!
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2011 01:53 pm
hang tuah story is not folklore.....learn more than u can say...becareful with ur statement
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 09:16 pm
SO?..what if Hang Tuah is a Malay or Chinese?..For what I'm concern, we're all the creation of God. Do we need to fight for something silly?..Seriously, what is the difference between Chinese and Malay?..Are Chinese have 2 heads and Malays have 5 noses?...I don't think so, both of Chinese and Malays. Sorry, ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD have the same characteristic. Then, what make us different from each other?..Races? Without race, we'll all known as human/mankind. Who is the creator of Races is the first Racist, remember guys. There will always be persons/group that doesn't want us to unite as a mankind, because when we're divided it is easier for them to manipulate us.
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 09:23 pm
what is a CHINESE? what is a MALAY? what is an INDIAN?..they're humans. 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 body. Do we need to use NAMES? RACES? LANGUAGES? to differ with each other. my2centsworth, as far a I'm concern. You're a human, not a CHINESE, MALAY nor INDIAN. Mankind is at the verge of losing to ourselves.

*The Strongest Enemy, is within*
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2011 08:49 pm
hang tuah hang jebat hang lekiu hang lekir hang kasturi hang chong hang percaya hang bodoh. LOL
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Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2011 04:06 am
If you have ever read the story (hikayat), you will realize that "Hang" is a title, not a surname. Hang Tuah was later known as Tun Tuah after he was promoted to become Laksamana (admiral). The people around him also sometimes call him Kiai Tuah. There are other people with 'Hang' title, like Hang Nadim, Hang Isap, Hang Siak etc that are less known than the 5 Hangs.

Besides, if he was a Chinese, why would he use Keris as main weapon, and learned Silat from a javanese guru? His keris, Taming Sari was also obtained from a javanese warrior after he won the duel.

The DNA thing also doesn't make sense, since no one knows where Hang Tuah's grave is. The mausoleum that you see, is only built to commemorate him, and to attract people. His body is not buried there. In the Hikayat, he vanished after failing to complete his last mission (he was around 60 years old when the Sultan ordered him to find Puteri Gunung Ledang).

The reason he was removed from textbook is because his historicity has not been confirmed. He could be a real person, but later writings embellished his stories with mythical feats that makes it hard to separate facts from fiction.

Personally, I would choose Tun Perak as a better hero. He's undoubtedly a real person, and he actually repelled Siam from attacking Malacca, twice. It was during his service that Malacca reached its height.
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Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2011 04:17 am
The evidence(circumstantial and otherwise) definitely point to the fact that Hang Tuah may have been from China. Whether he was a muslim or not is besides the point. The most interesting facts are the origin of the malays. When I was in school,my sejarah text book stated that the malays of malaysia came from Mongolia in what was known as "the second malay coming".If you Google origins of malay you will avail to a rich source of information from distinguished and credible researches and historians.And the one common theme which has resulted is that the 1st migration of the malays occurred some 2500 years ago and it was from Taiwan!They describe in great detail how these travellers migrated in turn to the Phillipines,Borneo,Cambodia,Java,Sumatra and Malaysia.(i.e. pre historically). If there are any true inhabitants of Malaysia they are the orang asli who by the way share a major part of their DNA with the aboroginies of Australia. So where did the Orang asli come from? The Serengeti Valley(I hope the spelling is right) of modern day Kenya. The continental shifts which occurred played a major role in separating ancient man and his various tribes. Ultimately where are we really from?
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Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 11:41 am
Hang Tuah really a chinese?......im still doubt about that...because...:-

1) Like where we hear about this word "Tak kan melayu hilang di dunia~"....the elders always said...that word were originally come from his mouth......is it show he is really malay...malay right?...think about it...

2) About the surname "Hang".....why because of the similarity of "Hang"( Hang Li Po and Hang Tuah) can be the evidence that he is chinese?.......how about Parameswara?....is he a Indian?..LoL...come on~~we already know...malay surname have change time to time....whatever they use..its is their name....so how about we said...my grandfather surname...."Jam",is it malay surname?,or is a wall clock?...LoL...come on..its so irrelevant evidence....

3) Hang Tuah use Silat in fighting not Kung Fu.....and the silat that he use is Silat Gayong.....the fact is...Hang Tuah learn Silat from The Prince Adi on Mount Ledang and Sang Persanta Nala in Java (Majapahit). ...

4) And i think.....if you really want to know the originality race of Hang Tuah....why you study based on The Federal Association of Arc & Research
of Michigan, USA......please ....refer on Malaysia first...not to refer from other country that really dont know anything about Malaysian history.....from now they have POWER....they can CREAT history....and can CHANGE history.....u should refer on Kepulauan Melayu History first....
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Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2011 10:59 am
Based on my research, Chinese (Ming Dynasty) embraced Islam long ago before Malay and South East Asia region as a whole. Zheng He, Hang Too Ah, Hang Lee Kiew, Hang Jee Bat, Hang Lee Ker, Hang Kasturi, and Hang Li Poh were among the famous names of the preaching of Islam to the people of Malacca. Originally, the people of Malacca was a disciple of the Hindu-Buddhist teachings. Extraordinary success by Zheng He's where he has managed to Islamize Parameswara then. Parameswara is the leader of Malacca at that time. For your information, the duty of the Ming Dynasty to protect the territories under his control such as Malacca and other territories. At one time, the Ming Dynasty had to protect Malacca from further attacks by the Siamese. In my opinion, the Siamese government actually want to defend the Hindu-Buddhist influence in the peninsula of Malacca and the Ming dynasty is to continue to expand the teachings of Islam. That is why the government of Malacca should pay taxes to the Ming Dynasty as a proof of Malacca under the auspices of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, Malacca also an active trade and investment at that time because of its strategic geographical position but also has a lot of natural resources. It is not surprising when Malacca is capable of producing a quality artillery. Zheng He not only spread Islam to the Malay archipelago, but he also brought prosperity, technology and civilization. If my research is correct, then the Chinese actually who first accept the teachings of Islam than the Malays. One of the proof, if you go to Malacca today, please find one of the oldest mosques in Malaysia. Surprisingly, it's a mosque on the temple-shaped architecture.

Sorry, this is only my opinion based on personal research. I have no intention to offend any party. I hope it's just a scientific discussion.
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Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2015 04:44 am
Get it from reliable sources. The 'Research......" was not even found. It is a fake. And furthermore what makes you think that the Americans know more than us about our history? And as for Malay names even the Indonesians do not use Arabic names. In the olden days the Malays do not use Arabic names as is now the norm. Of course one will always believed what one wants to.
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