Chai Tea wrote:BTW, how is your book coming along?
Hello Ms Tea,
My research was coming along nicely and I had the basic structure almost filled out, but then the school year started and everything went into the freezer until the next summer holiday... (Oh no, now I have CLIFF RICHARD

in my head!)
I agree that probably the underlying problem is not new, but it is attributed to a new origin. Where it used to be the pixies or the borrowers who made things disappear it was later the aliens and now it is your neighbours. I guess then that multiple stalking can spread more widely for it is easier to believe (not involving fairies or extra terrestrials and not featuring anything spectacular like spacecraft or anal probes). Anyone sensitive to the idea could read these stories and go: Hey, I have sand in my living room too! And there is this car parked in front of my house every night (oh wait, that's the neighbour's car... AHA, he's in on it, etc.)
I also came across a page where a lady had been filming people in her street to prove that they were stalking her. And the fact that people look at you when they notice, or are told, that you are filming them, was of course her proof that they were all part of the conspiracy. Life must indeed be hell when everyday occurrences become threatening.
The thing is that it will be very hard to make these people see things differently. As is the case with schizophrenic psychosis, their warped view of reality makes perfect sense to them, so people who want to help them (as in getting medical help) are part of the conspiracy according to the logic of their delusion. I had a schizophrenic student once who also was convinced she was threatened by unknown people (among others via the Internet). But even if the threat did not exist, her fear of it was real and led her to refuse medication, because she believed people were out to poison her.