Sat 2 Dec, 2006 12:34 pm
I am not soliciting anything here, rather I want some genuine feedback. I have worked in residential treatment homes for several years and have noticed that they are extremely expensive but there are not really any options out there for parents with troubled teens that do not have 3,000-10,000 per month to pay for their child to go to a treatment center.
To offer something to those who can not afford that option I am thinking about starting a online counseling service for around $60/month. It would include phone support, an online system with a treatment plan, skills to learn, audio examples of how to deal with kids, and an assigned caseworker who communicates back and forth via email.
My question to those of you out there who have difficult children: is this something worth pursuing or am I wasting my time? Would you pay for a service such as that? If so what things would you want included in the service (realistically if you are paying about $60/month, i.e. cant afford direct house visits at that cost)... and would you be willing to pay for that kind of service? Any feedback is appreciated, EDIT (Moderator): Solicitation Removed