I can't be of much help with the Bible stuff, but here are some ideas:
One of my favorite books as a child was D'ulaires Book of Greek Myths
Amazon Link
It's why I got an "A" in a college mythology class years later.
You don't say if we are considering boys or girls, so my list is more girls oriented:
The Little House Books by Laura Ingles Wilder
Fairy Tales by Andrew Lang (no offense to the previous poster, but I would go to the more original sources and avoid the big commercial world of Disney)
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
For either boys or girls: The Curious George series and any Dr. Seuss
For the 8-10 crowd I'm sure you already know about the first and second Harry Potter books, but the later books are for older children.
Do you know you can search Amazon.com by a child's age and subject matter of interest? Perhaps you can think about what the children enjoy and find a book relating to it.