On page 150 of the July PC World, at the bottom of the right hand column, I came across a disturbing bit of information. Perhaps everybody knows this, and I'm just the last one on the train, but if it[s true that Google has all that of information about me, I'm not too happy.
I checked into the Google Watch (www.google-watch.org) site and what it said about the relationship between Google and the Federal Government scares me. I tried using Google Watch for a couple of things and came up with the same information as Google provided. I haven't gone into thing like asking Google Watch for pictures yet, but as far as I can tell it provides the same info, but at no cost to your privacy.
Further, it seems (if the Google Watch site is correct) that even having the Google toolbar on your computer leaves you open to incredible government invasion.
Anyway, has anyone else come upon this or similar information about Google? If so, what's your opinion?