I read that book too <grins>
It was very interesting, of course ... <ahem>
What did strike me, unpleasantly, was the dominance of the theme of .. well, domination.
Too many fantasies ranging from "being taken" to close-to or outright rape, as I remember it.
That made me think. Sexual fantasies are the place where any kind of - well, stuff we may have been socialised with but have decided consciously to discard later - for example about gender roles - will survive longest, I guess. Because they're almost completely in the instinctive, instinctual, subconcsious realm. You dont censor your fantasies. (I hope).
But note -
My Secret Garden was from 1973. Flower Power time, for sure, but the age of women who had still mostly grown up in the 50s era and its aftermath.
And - here's where you take note, Lord Ellpus and other, errm, avid readers among us men - that's why there is even better news, still.
It's is in the book Nancy Friday authored 18 years later:
Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies (1991).
Fantasies of a whole new generation of women.
And if you thought the ones in My Secret Garden were daring, then whooaa ... this book shows up a new level yet.
Fun reading <grins> (Instructive reading, too...).
And what (pleasantly) struck me: the general direction of these fantasies was actually notably different. Still all the same fantasies as in the previous book, of course. But fewer examples of the fantasy of total surrender to brutal men. More adventures that they have in mind to actively take us men on, in their turn - for mutual benefit <grin>.
Generally they feel less... burdened, less negative. And more bold.
So read that one too.
Have fun