Wed 20 Sep, 2006 04:24 pm
So about once a month I get this same letter from my bank that starts
"Dear Dys, we have good news about your loan originally funded at ****** bank. After reviewing your account history, we are happy to inform you that you have been pre-approved for a new mortgage at a lower monthly payment"
I don't now nor have I had (since 1977) any mortgage/loan so my question is, how did they review my account history?
It's not a miracle, just routine business. Banks and insurance agencies are like the CIA of our money, and credit/loan companies have no trouble accessing your information. I briefly worked for a collection agency and it was pretty easy finding out the history of loans or outstanding debt for an individual - you can subscribe to a service that does it for you. They might not have travelled down your credit history long enough to find out you paid the mortgage, they just found a record of your original lending bank with your name and address.