Fri 15 Sep, 2006 08:13 am
Why is everyone saying "anytime" in return for a thank-you? I really don't understand. Any idea, anyone?
"I'd do that favor -- or a similar one -- for you again any time."
Just a variation on "you're welcome."
Ah, thanks, Sozobe, that was quick.
You could always take them up on their 'anytime' offer to see if they mean it.
Call them up at 3am and ask them to go get a Mcdonalds.
Then see if they say 'anytime' again.
I find "my pleasure" and "you are welcome" much more decent replies. I would rather not go around promising I will be of help.
Okay, are there any more ways to reply to a thank you?
I am really a beginner on etiquettes, have been such a spoiled brat all my life.
I tend to say 'thats ok' in a pleasant tone of voice and with a smile, tho Im so shy I hardly say it loud enough and it comes one 'ssss'ok' which probably sounds awful.
I think Id prefer no 'thank you' at all.
I think "anytime" is nice.
I'll try to think of some other responses.
OK, "Thanks!"
You're welcome.
Happy to help.
No problem.
My pleasure.
That's all I can think of now.
Some military types say "too easy" (as in, it was no effort at all to help you).
A few people I know use "nada" in answer to "thank you" (and they ain't even Hispanic

Haha, have to admit Im tempted to say 'Nada problemo' at times and Im no way near Hispanic.
material girl wrote:I tend to say 'thats ok' in a pleasant tone of voice and with a smile, tho Im so shy I hardly say it loud enough and it comes one 'ssss'ok' which probably sounds awful.
I think Id prefer no 'thank you' at all.
MG, my word, you don't sound all that shy on A2K though. :wink:
One of my pet peeves is when my children say, "That's ok" instead of "No, thank you" when indicating they don't want whatever it is I'm offering.
What's ok?
Setanta's a big 'that's ok'-r about things.
I can never tell if he's simply tolerating a meal, loving it, or ....

thank you....
Don't mention it.
I think "you're welcome" has an old fashioned flavor that makes some people uncomfortable using it.
I've been known to respond to "Thank you" with "No problem" meaning "I wasn't one bit inconvenienced".
In Serbo-Croatian they say 'nema problema', meaning 'I have no problem' (with having done that favour for you).
I usually say -
It was my pleasure
Think nothing of it
No trouble at all
Slang I've heard includes -
no sweat
that's cool
no probs
sozobe wrote:"I'd do that favor -- or a similar one -- for you again any time."
That's why I never respond with "anytime." Rather, if someone says "thanks," I'll reply "just this once."
Then there's the infuriatingly Canajun approach
Thank you.
No, thank you.
No, no. Thank you.
No, really, thank you.
I've heard some bizarre iterations of this in restaurants. Thank the waitress for taking your order. Thank the customer for making the order ... and on and on.
I usually say, "Not a problem."
De nada.
It's nothing.
That I like.