Green Witch wrote:OK I can understand removing slippery moss, but where I live moss can sell for $20 a square foot. I love the ferns you already have, but I was thinking of these British natives:

Are these ferns expensive where you are, GW? They grow all over the place here, and if they work out the same price as moss ($20 a sq foot? Blimey), we could make ourselves a fortune.
I could rape the British countryside and pack it all in bubblewrap, and you could unwrap it at your end, while a queue of ardent gardeners shuffle and count out their dollar bills, eagerly waiting for you to open your shop.
I'll dig one or two out the next time I go down, and insert them in that front wall.
The only thing I'll check out first though, is whether I'm allowed to do this, as it would mean taking soil across borders and I think there may be some regulation against that. I know we have to go through a rigmarole and stacks of forms if we want to take saplings down there.
The French have plenty of trees of their own, granted, but we wanted to take some really ancient varieties of English apple tree down with us, as they're not available over there.
Strict rules and regs, due to possible spread of apple blight across borders etc.
Maybe we'll just smuggle them in.........