Tue 25 Jul, 2006 12:08 pm
Just something that came to mind. All my life, as a Canadian, I've seen images of Queen Elizabeth in those bright dresses and strange hats. The brightness of her clothes has been explained ~ she of unprepossessing looks and small stature, she stands out. In photographs, such as those formal official ones of world leaders, you can easily spot her among the dark suits.
But why the purse? What's in it? Surely her aides are carrying any credit cards or notebooks that she may need. Maybe a novel if she gets bored at a luncheon? Cosmetics? Tissues? Bus ticket? A billyclub?
I've never seen her open her purse.
Do other queens carry purses?
a book entitled "How to Wave and Act Regal for Dummies"
You know, I'll bet the Queen could carry around a bunch of spliffs in her purse, and nobody would say nothin'
Must be nice.
I think she carried one of those wadded up hankies with here intials embroidered on it, some dental floss and one of those things you clean under your nails with.
Oh, and an autograhed picture of Ron Jeremy.
Chai knows the real answer.
Morning after pill.
That filthy whore.
At her age she doesn't need the pill
From The Straight Dope, source of most of the useful knowledge my tiny brain possesses"
"As anyone who reads Majesty magazine knows, the Queen carries a comb, a handkerchief, a small gold compact, and a tube of lipstick in her handbag. However, you were somewhat misled by Buckingham Palace. The Queen does carry money on Sundays--a folded note of unknown denomination which she discreetly places in the collection plate.
Mr. Perez was also partially correct: Her Majesty does use her handbag as a security blanket. She carries it with her throughout the day as she moves from one room of the palace to another. She is rarely photographed without a handbag. All tables and her desk at Buckingham Palace and other royal residences are equipped with special hooks on which the Queen may hang her ubiquitous handbag. Finally, the Queen never uses a shoulderbag or clutchbag as these make shaking hands and accepting flowers awkward."
Not that she would actually comb her hair in a public place, mind...
Wy - that's what they want you to think - of course the Queen should only be carrying proper items. Bullsh*t there is something more sinister in there.
The comb's not for the hair -- and they left out her little piece of waxed paper.
The queen plays kazoo in a jug band.
Scissors, for all the ribbon cutting? No, I'm pretty sure that someone else presents those to her.
I like the kazoo thing.
Chai Tea wrote:
Oh, and an autograhed picture of Ron Jeremy.
Who's Ron Jeremy? Do I care?
I reckon she has a street directory - so she can tell the flunkies where to go! Precisely!
The Queen was in Balmoral once, and was strolling in the High Street when an American tourist approached, and said "Gee, you look just like the Queen".
"How very reassuring" she replied.
Pictures of the grandchildren?
pooper-scooper bags for those bloody corgis!
margo wrote:Chai Tea wrote:
Oh, and an autograhed picture of Ron Jeremy.
Who's Ron Jeremy? Do I care?
I reckon she has a street directory - so she can tell the flunkies where to go! Precisely!
Ron Jeremy?
He's, well, actor of sorts....