Oh, not to ignore you dogs ass Bella...
I was eating some figs when you said that...your post was a great appetite suppressant.
so....did you take a picture?
This thread has three topics.
The size of Amigos hands (little carnie), Bellas dogs ass and Money.
Bella, one thing you're doing wrong is applying for too many loans.
Do you know your credit score? Instead of just applying for the loan to refinance your car, call them up, tell them your credit score, and ask if they think they could get you a lower rate than what you have for the term you want. If they tell you they won't know unless you apply, hang up. There are credit score "tiers" that are determined by credit score. They should be able to at least give you a range.
Applying at that many places not only lowers your credit score, but it looks bad to the lenders considering giving you a loan. When they see 10 inquiries over the last week, it appears you're going down the tubes financially and looking for money everywhere.
And think...unless you're getting a refinance rate that is considerable, not just a few points, it's not going to effect your payment that much. And obviously you don't want to extend your term in exchange for a lower rate, it'll probably cost more in the long run.
you might find the website of the national credit coucelling service >>>
...CREDIT COUNSELLING... of interest .
i understand that it is a not-for-profit service .
we have something similar in canada and they are providing a valuable service - particulaely in providing help when dealing with lenders/financial institutuions .
car refinancing
I am a television producer, and I am looking for someone to speak with me about his or her experiences refinancing a car loan. I see that Bella recently went through the process, and would be happy to connect with her and/or anyone else who has gone through this. I can be reached offline at edit: Link removed by Moderator. Thank you in advance for your help.