Sun 9 Jul, 2006 08:36 pm
I read that some people were missing our Chinese guests, so I thought I'd fill in.
Hi, Habibi! When I'm on the East Coast of the USA, I generally have eggs in some form for breakfast, along with some sort of breakfast meat (ham, bacon, sausage, etc.) and gallons of strong, black coffee. If I'm on the West Coast of that same continent, I generally eat exactly the same stuff I get on the East Coast. But when I'm visiting the Sadwich Islands (aka Hawaii), I will often settle for fresh, locally-grown fruit and yogurt. It's great to have orange juice that's not only freshy squeezed, but squeezed from oranges freshly picked. BTW, where have our Chinese friends diappeared?
Chile peppers, clear difference, for part of the menu.
Lordallmighty, I hate to inform y'all, but LA and SF and Seattle, especially SF, are famous for culinary adventure.
OK, OK, what was the question?
But wait, ^JB^ is back, and he is way smart.
Quote:HELP - Diffrence between Western and Esatern breakfast???
Nimh you have misspelled several words in your thread title.
compare my spelling with yours.
Difference, Eastern.
Well done otherwise, keep practicing, soon you will be very good at English.
Is "happy meal" -- flour that make you happy??
When on the West side of the house, I eat cereal and juice, sometimes coffee and toast. On the East side, there is no kitchen, so I have to make do with what's available, which tends to be stale pretzels. Neither involves Velveeta.
you want dust rhinos with that?
Just think--all of the Chinese students who postponed their A2K Twenty Questions assignment were confounded by the end-of-term A2K housecleaning problems.
Will the next term at CUMT start in the heat of August or after the eastern version of Labor Day?