Lord Ellpus
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 11:29 am
Ah, Steve Cougan, alias Alan Partridge.

No, didn't see it, Walter....too much like work, really.

I'm now researching some stuff on google, about how to relax properly.

I'll be back.....
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 08:43 pm
Lord Ellpus wrote:
While I was making that last post, there was a terrific gust of wind that slammed the french doors, making me jump. I looked out to see one of my garden chairs coming to land on the lawn. My hazel tree is being blown about like crazy, and my nuts have dropped off.

Is it the end of the world?

I was quite concerned about your problem LE. Have you been to see the doctor? They can work wonders with microsurgery these days.
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:26 am
please package up some of that energy and send it my way - I've a severe case of inertia today. So many jobs to do and so little energy or inclination

how about sitting under that tree crosslegged, hands on knees humming oooohhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm ???

the dog should be intrigued if nothing else
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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:42 am
There must be a name for it - I experience it too sometimes (strange, weird days, where there is a sense of dis-quiet around)

Did you see the sun on Friday night?... blood red, cast a pink hue to the early evening... added to the strangeness of Friday.

Things will balance out again Ellpus.

You need a good shoulder rub and a warm hug to make you feel better...

...if you wern't so far away, I would give you one myself...

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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:13 am
Honestly, everyone I know has felt out of whack for the past week or so and I blame the moon.

My madness was a combination of pre-menopause, PMS and the moon, so it's been one hell of a week for me.

Finally got my monthly visitor tonight, so the PMS is gone and the moon is no longer full, thank god!

Can't do jack for the menopause, though.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:16 am
yikes - want to clean my windows?
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:38 am
Sure Laughing
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:53 am
<Ellpus rushes off to get ladder, bucket, sponge...camera >
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 08:16 am
Well, during the five odd hours since I last posted here, I have taken advantage of this continuing burst of energy, by finally clearing the decks of practical stuff regarding my Mum going into a home (she has now just been assessed as a permanent "resident".

As you will see, I have been in a "let's take on the computerised world" mood.

I have:

1. Spent an eternity, trying to get through to NTL (phone comp.) accounts dept., in order to terminate my Mum's account. The human that finally broke into the lovely canned music, tried to fob me off by saying that all their systems were down, and he couldn't do anything for me.
I asked whether he had pen and paper, in order to note my request and deal with it later. He said he could not do that. I asked him whether he indeed could actually write with a pen. He got a bit sniffy and held his ground.
I informed him that my next phone call was to cancel my Mum's direct debit payment from the bank, and if there was any amount outstanding, his company could sue her for it.
I also informed him that she was 84 years old, and suffering from dementia, and if a summons arrived, I would see that it rebounded up his arse (my exact words) by contacting the papers, as I have a very good friend who is a senior editor on a national daily (true).

2. A very similar conversation ensued with British Gas. They finally agreed to end the contract and come and take a final meter reading.

3. The electrcity company couldn't have been more helpful...no problem with termination there.

4. Phoned every sibling (including one in Tasmania) to ask if they specifically wanted any of Mum's belongings....sentimental stuff and all that. Nobody wanted anything, and were more than happy to leave the decisions down to me (as usual), so I phoned a major charity that has connections with my Probation office (shelters for homeless) and arranged a meeting at my Mum's for tomorrow. I told them to bring a big van.

5. I finally picked up the dreaded official "Financial Assessment Form" which has now been returned to me twice, asking for further information.
This form is to determine how much my Mum is worth in £ sterling, so that the Residential Home can know how much to take for her upkeep.
Mum is worth basically zilch, on paper, as she never owned her home, was never in a highly paid profession (nurse) and whenever she DID come into money, it would immediately burn a hole in her pocket and she would buy a new couch/TV/microwave/HiFi/ etc etc.
She did not do saving.

When I sent the from back last time (ie the second time), I attached a long letter, explaining the whole situation and enclosing bank statements to a)prove she only had about a grand in her account, and b) showing EXACTLY what payments in were made during any one month. I explained each payment in (state pension and nurse's occupational pension) and posted it, safe in the knowledge that they had all that they needed in order to assess her properly.

WRONG! ......Yet more questions.

1. Is the care allowance the higher one, or the lower one?
Actual reply :- "I haven't got a clue. You're the one with the big government computer, so please tap a few keys and look for yourself"

2. Are there any social service allowances in operation under section 3 subsection 2 of the blah blah..legal mumbo jumbo.....?
Actual reply : - See above answer and original covering letter, explaining that my Mum was then, and is now, suffering from dementia, which influenced her decision one day to throw away most of her important documentation, her house keys and her bottom set of false teeth. I therefore have no clue as to what she was receiving, how it was broken down, and how long she had been receiving it. All I know is that she was suddenly documentless and unable to eat anything but soft food. THAT is why I enclosed her bank details, so you could check these amounts at your end.

I finished with a little note in the big "comments" box on the back of the form, inviting them to go and visit Mum in the home if they have any further questions. She could do with the company, especially if the investigating officer is young, male and prepared to listen for hours about her experiences during the blitz, in WW2.

It has now been posted, the decks have been cleared (apart from the charity stuff) and I feel like a new man, but I don't know where I'll find one this time of the day.

Now, who wants their windows cleaned?............
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Stray Cat
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 09:47 pm
LE, I don't want to get personal......but has Lady E been taking care of her ....ummm.....wifely duties lately? You sound kind of ummmm..... pent up...

But before you search out Lady E, you can do my windows. My patio needs to be swept off too.
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Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 09:55 pm
Geez! Why doesn't that happen to me? My bursts of energy send me to cleaning my bathroom or bedroom, but rarely more than that.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 11:16 pm
Pent up, eh? I'll take your advice, Stray, and up the demands to twice per calendar month.

In all seriousness, I've been on a pretty serious health kick over about the last month, after having one of those "taking stock" sessions with myself.
Diet has been drastically changed, exercise has been pushed up a couple of gears and in four weeks I have lost twelve pounds of ugly fat (no, I didn't chop my head off).

I also ache all over, and don't jiggle so much when I jog. I also had stomach pains over the past week, gradually getting worse (long story) so maybe I've overdone the changing of the diet thing, and wil have to do a bit of tweaking as far as that goes.

I have about ten pounds to go before I'm down to my target weight, but one of the side effects (temporary, who knows?), is this massive burst of extra energy/restlessness.

Then, all I have to do is go out and buy a new wardrobe.....and try to relax a bit more, I suppose....and stop worrying about things that are outside my own little sphere of influence. Don't get me wrong, as I'm not a born worrier, quite the reverse usually. It's just that when something is happening with someone close to me, a switch triggers and I let it get to me waaay too much.
I'll have to train myself to stop that from happening, somehow.
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