Tue 4 Jul, 2006 03:42 am
it's summer and looking for some books i can read while i'm at the beach. i'm interested in books that is somewhat funny but a good book to read for a 24 years old. any great books who have read so far? let me know.
Perhaps if you let us know which authors (or books) you've enjoyed reading recently it might make it easier to make suggestions. There are so many good books! Where to start?
You might try the Harry Potter books or J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy, [/I]The Lord of the Rings both beloved by English readers.
I saw this one alot.. but
Secret Life of Bees.
anything by Janet Evonovich!
i don't have any preference when it comes to author. i just like it something funny for now. something that will make me laugh or at least smile. romance novels are also good.
[/QUOTE]anything by Janet Evonovich!
looks cool to me! what's the best one you have read so far?
I think that The Ortigin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes interesting reading; I would also recommend The Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Koestler.
My first batch-- She's brilliant.
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant: A Novel
Anne TylerThe Accidental Tourist: A Novel
Anne Tyler1985 NBCC-Fiction winner, 1986 LATimes-Fiction finalist, 1986 Pulitzer-fiction finalist. (20.69)
Macon Leary is a travel writer who hates both travel and anything out of the ordinary. He is grounded by loneliness and an unwillingness to compromise his creature comforts when he meets Muriel, a deliciously peculiar dog-obedience trainer who up-ends Macon's insular world-and thrusts him headlong into a remarkable engagement with life.
Morgan's Passing
Anne TylerLadder of Years: A Novel
Anne Tyler
Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You
Won't You Come Home, Billy Bob Bailey?
Don't Sit Under The Grits Tree With Anybody Else But Me
Elvis Is Dead And I Don't Feel So Good Myself
Shoot Low, Boys, They're Riding Shetland Ponies
all by Lewis Grizzard.
Wear a diaper.
Other funny titles:
Catch- 22 Heller
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I've heard)
Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut
Even Cowgirls get the Blues by Tom Robbins.
For comic value and a virtuosic demonstration of just what the English language can do, my pick is David Foster Wallace. Many people find him overrated, and maybe they're right, but he's definitely good for a few laughs. I'd suggest The Broom of the System or some of the short stories from A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.
I printed out the book titles and authors and went to the bookstore today. i only bought catch-22 and janet evanovich's two for the dough. then i lost the list. so i only got two books for now. the books you guys rcommended looks awesome. will start reading the book.
thank you guys! just keep on posting
i just finished reading Shantaram by Gregory DAvid Roberts ...
try it out, its awesome
In The Game
I highly recommend "The Game" by Neil Strauss .... You can't put it down !!