We're all more similar than I thought.
Ellinas - Is that a house or an apartment?
TSA - Oh yea! When I lived in Wisconsin the heat was included in the rent....a real bonus!
Boom - I'm not a "stuff" person, my husband is. He's got free reign over one of the bedrooms. It's very, shall we say "eclectic" He'll come in the house with some damn thing he got at a yard sale for a quarter, and I'll ask .. "WHERE is THAT going?"
"don't worry, I'm puttin' it in the gunslinger room"
Wow Slappy, 4 bedrooms, you must be planning a lot of kids :wink:
J_B - Oh I know, those new houses going up with thousands and thousands of square feet. They just passed an ordinace here to try to curb that. Can't be over x amount over the size of the original house, depends on lot size, etc. I mean, c'mon, there a limit. My neighborhood is an older established area. But a few blocks from me someone built this huge monstrosity...not only is it ridiculously large, it's in an entirely different style from the entire neighborhood. Every time I drive by it I think "God, that looks like a Columbian Drug Lords house."
Oh, and what you said about the $297 mortgage payment....yeah, I like the fact my mortgage is on the $50K and not what it would cost today.
Oh, Mr. Noddy....tsk tsk.
Wow Walter, when you originally said 400 I was thinking you slept in sleeping bags.
One good thing about my house is that if you wanted, you could totally close off that part of the house and make it into a studio apartment. That might be a good idea for someday when I'm a little old lady when I might like a little rental income.