Sat 17 Jun, 2006 07:02 pm
So, if a show is on at seven in Ontario, it'll be on at eight in the Maratimes, and 8:30 in Newfoundland. What's up with that? If you tell the Newfies a joke, do they laugh thirty minutes later? This is a scandal--surely something can be done for these folks so they can catch up ! ! !
That's almost as bad as cowboys . . . well, not that bad, but pretty bad . . .
set : you may want to consider familiarizing yourself with the "Newfoundland Survival Kit" . might come in handy when you are meeting a native in toronto .
i understand there is a bar in toronto very much frequented by the islanders .
a) Memorize all of the jokes at this site. Every Newfoundlander will be impressed that you have taken the time to learn about our culture and can quote these jokes verbatum.
b) Always refer to a Newfoundlander as "Newfie", otherwise you will be considered snobbish.
c) Until you are more familiar with Newfoundland and it's history stick to safe topics when talking to Newfoundladers. A good opening line might be: "I hear unemployment is high in Newfoundland" or "My brother Jack works with a Newfoundlander in Brooks Alberta".
d) Learn how to pronounce Newfoundland. Many Canadians pronounce Newfoundland as "Newf-And-Land", sort of like Understand. This won't get you many friends. The correct pronunciation is "New-Fun-Lin". If you remember any of these tips, make sure it is this one.
e) Don't visit a bar on Monday evening, it will be empty as everyone will be at home watching "This Hour Has 22 Minutes". Also look through the TV Guide to see if "Codco" is on, another good time to stay at home.
f) If you do visit a night club be sure to ask for Screech. You will insult the bartender by asking for anything else. Newfoundlanders are like the Scots when it comes to their national drink. It's a fact the average Newfoundlander drinks Screech with every meal.
g) If you don't get to visit Newfoundland, but meet a Newfoundlander during your visit to Toronto, remember to compliment him/her on the province. A good example would be: "Your from Newfoundland, I love the Maritimes, I visited Nova Scotia two years ago".
h) Memorize all of the jokes at this site. Every Newfoundlander will be impressed that you have taken the time to learn about our culture and can quote these jokes verbatum.
You might think its goofie, but the man in the moon is a Newfie
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
Codfish Dan from Newfoundland he dreamt that he had tree wishes
And he took mars and all the stars and he turned them into big fishes
He said the sky was much too dry and he made a wavy motion
And the moon like a boat began to float upon the starry ocean
You might think its goofie, but the man in the moon is a Newfie
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
One night he strayed to the milky way to cast his nets upon it
He spied the tail of a great big whale and he harpooned Haleys comet
He never had a pot for the fish that he caught so he had to use the big dipper
And the sun by jove was a very good stove for cookin up smelts and kippers
You might think its goofie, but the man in the moon is a Newfie
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
Now the northern lights that seem so bright like nothin could be grander
Well they're just waves that the moon-boat made by the Newfoundland Commander!
And don't you sigh and say oh my "What gross exagerration!"
Cause he'll tell you the dream was true when Codfish Dan awakens
You might think its goofie, but the man in the moon is a Newfie
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
And he's sailin on to glory, away in the golden dory
All good insights . . . i think i begin to understand why they're 30 minutes behind the rest of the country . . .
I met a bunch of Newfie's at the lobster shop and they're a nice bunch of folks and quite amusing at times
Amusing? You mean, they're fun to watch, right.
Iss a haird story da tell dere Set. I'ze up dere on da Labrador soid ya know and dis guy he tells me dis ere story aboot da reezon dey chose da go wid a 1/2 hout ting difference dere. I didna pay no attention ataaall (uhhhhh) (dey breathe in a lot afder dey say stuf and Ize allays thingin maybe deyz chowkin er sometin . No dey jsu make dis ere weird suckin in noise after dey say siometin. An dey allus ask queshuns wid dat suckin in soun doo.
Well, makin tings even moir sometin ta worry aboud, if youse in da Mulligan Bay ara from Cratwright an on up dere . The Labradorians , dey dont lissen to da 1/2 hour ting . Dey makes dere toim same as iffn it were in d ressa da maratoims. Weird, yaz can go inta three toim zones in da Mulligan bay areas cuz da ESkimos up dere dont believe in da Daylide Savins Doim .
So, yasz can go from Atlantic time in Mulligan bay and up till ya hits some eskimo town dere and dey have reglar Standard time which is now 2 hours off of Cartwright and den ifn yaz go outsidea Cartwright its on Newfie doim.
By I dell yaz if yaz need da be somewherest , yas bedder started a whila go.
Juss chuck yer clocks ouda door and juss enjoy iffn yer goin ub dere by.
A good dikshuneryy aind a bad ting needer.
roger wrote:Amusing? You mean, they're fun to watch, right.
Now that I think of it, all the ones I've met are little people. The men are about my height (5' 4") and the women are much shorter than me.
They're so cute
Montana , do they still play some of "Jimmy Da Janitor" tapes on The St Johns Station? (NB, not Newfie).

Not sure if we get that station here.
Go to the bar with the British flag (?) along Queen Street East by Kew Beach. All the Newfies go there.
Certainly dlowan can sympathise with someone always running 30 minutes behind anyone else - 'tis the story of her life (so far!)
We met some Newfies in Enzed last year - they were imprressed we even knew where they came from (mind you - they didn't reveal the 30 minutes behind thing!).
We visited the Newfie memorial in the Somme a cuppla years back - bloody impressive it was, too. A giant caribou.
margo wrote:Certainly dlowan can sympathise with someone always running 30 minutes behind anyone else - 'tis the story of her life (so far!)
We don't run 30 minutes behind.....certain uncouth people inserted themselves 30 minutes in front.
I recall from trips that India has the 1/2 hour thing too.
the newfies are really ahead of the rest of canada i'd say .
when the mainland is still asleep the newfies are up-and-about .
remember . they can always decide to join the united states ; with all the oil and gas reserves they'd probably be given a warm welcome .
before joining canada , there was a very strong movement to join the united states , i understand .
Join the US? The way things have been going here, they would be much better off staying with the Maple Leaf.
Quote:I recall from trips that India has the 1/2 hour thing too.
Also central australia, however as there is nothing there (except a few unwashed camels) we tend to ignore it.
Since Newfoundland didn't join Canada until, what?, 1949 and then with some resistance that continues to this day ... I guess it's our Hawaii.
(I think I hurt myself laughing at that one.)