Lord Ellpus wrote:No shower, no bath. Temperature was averaging 90f during the day, and by day two she threw caution to the wind, stripped naked in her "kitchen" (big clear window to heavily populated yard) and washed herself from the sink. Now...things must have been desperate for her to do this....she's ENGLISH for god's sake!
When i was stationed in Inchon, in Korea, i had a "yobo." That comes from a corruption of yobosay-oh, a phonetic transliteration of "hey you!" in a polite inflection ("ya, ya" is the impolite version), and referred to a business girl who would keep house for you in a cheap apartment for a pittance (in this case $50/month--at a time when the Koreans were still poor and farmers who did well made $100 per annum, paying all their taxes and bills in kind with rice). It included other services as well, upon which i will not elaborate.
She made meals for me, did my laundry and assured that i had a clean, pressed uniform every morning. When i took off a pair of new, clean socks, the pair i'd have the next morning would be clean, and old, faded and worn--i looked upon it as an incidental expense, and made a point of stopping by the Quartermaster Clothing store to pick up a few new duds now and again.
We had running water, though, in our expensive penthouse apartment in the Chinatown section of Inchon. (I figure she paid about $15 to $20 a month for the place, and kept the balance.) It ran out of a tap on top of the roof, next to the door of the apartment. In order for me to bathe, on weekends when i hadn't been by the barracks to shower, she would take a large tub, strip me down outside in front of God and everybody, and then pour buckets of water over me from the tap (a true luxury, other residents nearby would find excuses to step over from other roof tops to chat and possibly take advantage of the convenience). The first time this happened, the little old Korean and Chinese ladies stared for a while, and made comments on my sexual equipment. That lasted all of a few minutes; thereafter, no one paid the least attention, as that was how everybody did it, and the only thing extraordinary in anyone's view was the luxury we had of a tap just outside the apartment door.