DrewDad wrote:Someone smaller would probably have avoided the accident altogether.
Accidents are not always based upon body size or weight. Recently, I had an
ACCIDENT. Why? Because I momentarily became distracted. It had nothing to do with my weight which although at times has been beyond the recommended standards, was not in that range at the time of the accident. Plainly put,
it was an accident. It would have happened even if I had been a mere stick figure of a creature who could have slipped through the space between two pieces of wood in a picket fence. I find it absolutely disgraceful that you would attack a person based upon their weight, keep in mind due to various metabolic conditions, and other medical reasons (including prescription medications) a person may not be in as much control of their weight as you would think they should be. Certain persons have difficulty gaining and maintaining weight whereas others have a similar difficulty in shedding pounds.