Good point Noddy, about the wilderness, though I like films about those too.

Sometimes a person just needs to see an animal, up close and personal, to understand. So many people are squeamish... they don't want to be in the wilderness because there aren't flush toilets; they don't want to really get close to an animal because (yes!) they do have a fragrance.
I am of two, three... no several minds about this. Maybe one for each type of animal.
Sozobe, I haven't gone to your link yet, but I have nearly every one of Gerald Durrell's books. I've been reading him since he was a young man! His vision was amazing and told in the most humorous of ways. Very down-to-earth.
Gorillas, orangutangs, and chimpanzees... truly agonizing to see. Also, the wolves and the big cats. It is pitiful. I very rarely go to a zoo anymore. Let's see, last time was in Tucson a year ago with some friends from abuzz. If the cages aren't reasonably clean and the animals living in an open area with access to the outside, I just can't stay. It is too painful. The mountain lion and especially the wolves at Tucson were very hard to see.