Sun 11 Jun, 2006 05:10 pm
What are some of your favorite folk tales,and, where do they originate?
I like the storey called "nail soup" or "rock soup".
I think it's slavic or russian or hebrew.
Ah, we begin with a tale I am familiar with. We read that one in grade school.
i've always enjoyed the jewish folktales about the town of Chelm
The Concise History of the People of Chelm
I tried researching The Huckabuck Family and How They Grew Popcorn in Nebraska. I read it in about the third grade (?), but forgot the exciting conclusion. Does anybody recall that one?
got me on that one, but if you find it i'd love to hear more
I didn't know of the Chelm stories. I have just read a number of them. They are quite good.
I have recently read two books by Jean Markale -- one on Chartres Cathedral, the other on the Church of Mary Magdalene in the south of France near the Spanish border -- which reminded me of how folk tale and legends and -- more to the point -- tale types permeate our lives today.