I am doing good mate! Thank you! I did poor in golf...and all 4 of my B list players missed the cut...but it was no big deal in the end because everyone struggled because all of the expected picks played bad...and most teams had only one golfer going in their B list of players...and I did have the man who won the tournament so I actually picked up points on second place...which is very surprising to say the least...the bad thing is the leagues have a mulligan week in there, which means they will drop the lowest week scores in each segment...(winter, spring, summer) so I imagine that almost all players scores for last week will be dropped, and I will lose those points I picked up...but that is cool...just glad I did not lose any points...baseball was good...I moved up in every league!
I will be rooting for your team mate! I hope they win so bad for you! I have hope mate!