I encountered this story through
www.wordsmith.org and it has cheered my day considerably.
Free chapter added to saga of e-books
By David Mehegan, Globe Staff | June 2, 2006
For much of the past decade, the publishing world has been trying to figure out how to make money selling books in electronic form. Now a private project wants to give e-books away for free.
Project Gutenberg, a 35-year-old nonprofit based in Urbana, Ill., announced yesterday it is putting as many as 300,000 books online, where they will be available for free download. Called the World eBook Fair (worldebookfair.com), the program will last a month -- July 4 to Aug. 4 -- and will be repeated annually.
The catalog of available works will include fiction, nonfiction, and reference books, mostly those that are no longer protected by copyright. ``It will include the oldest books in the world, including every author you have heard of in your life, other than current ones," said Michael Hart, Project Gutenberg's founder. The fair also will offer classical music files, both scores and recordings, as well as films.
Would that Office Max and Staples and all the other office supply stores in the world would offer discounted paper for the month of the World E-Book Fair.