
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:19 am
So, we reapplied for another home program right?

This was 2 weeks ago.

I have put in over 1000 dollars to simple small bills because they were easy to pay for with no hassle.
I have others set up on payment plans.

and for 2 months i have been on the phone dealing with the god damn scum bags telling me that i am a bad person because I dont pay my bills and laughing at me when i try to set up a payment plan, only to learn that not only has paying these bills not done a ******* thing for our credit, but NOW some odd ball company rolled up 2 accounts into ONE and just slammed my credit in the last 2 weeks for 7 THOUSAND dollars.
this 7 thousand ******* dollars has just dropped my credit to 487 points.
That is over 100 points.
100 points.
what the hell am i supposed to do now? I dont HAVE 7000 dollars
I dont even HAVE 20 percent of that. And they are in the lines of the credit laws to lump them together like this and hit my credit as hard as they did. They have fucked me . Completely fucked me. And all because they have seen changes on my credit and decided to line themselves up in hopes of payment.
mark, the realtor/ new friend, TOLD ME this could h appen.
he TOLD ME.. and i said ' dont worry, im going to pay them fast enough that shouldnt happen' .im eating my damn words to the tune of seven thousand dollars. wich is all late fees too!!!! late fees, collections fees. . you name it..
ians credit just dropped 10 points as well. i am waiting on a current copy of our credit to see why. im thinking it is just from everyone tapping into it checking scores and what not.
i wish ian was home right now so he could take jillian. i am feeling so beat up and just pissd. i cant see for crying and i just wanna quit everything. i dont want to work , i dont want to be a mom, i am just defeated . and over a credit score. if these people had not hit our credit, we were at 580 and 576. 30 points shy of our 600 point goal.
at 600 points, we could have re applied with no problem. Had our loan secured and begun shopping for a house. 30 points was about 2 months of waiting for the credit companies to report our payments and to finally pay off one last credit card bill. that was it. and now this damn company comes along and just rippes that out from under us with a bill amount i cant even imagine touching. i knew things were going WAY to easy in the credit repair dept for me. Just new it. I was skating along with no issue, paying, setting up payments, staying on the phone for hours, getting statements.. and it was all working. just too well. i needa punching bag. I need Sully. my best friend in albq. i wish she was here. im feeling really shitty and lonely because this is just damn devistating. its days like this i hate being at home bymyself. all i can do is wail into my keyboard until ian gets home.

im sorry for such a rambling post.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,071 • Replies: 23
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Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:26 am

First, you will never be defeated. Whatever curve balls come your way, or baseball bats beat you over the head, you will pick yourself up and move forward.

Second, take a deep breath, then take another one. I agree that this sucks, but after you get your bearings, call the new folks and tell them you are willing to work with them.

Third, allow yourself the time to complete number 2 above. Right now you feel that there's no end to the rug being pulled out from under you but there is an end and it's within your power to get there. Look at how much you've accomplished in a very short period of time.

Inhale, get your bearings, and keep on moving forward. No matter how slow the progress seems.

You WILL get through this!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:31 am
Awww ((((Shewolf)))) don't apologize, were all friends here, and thats what you needed. To get it off your chest..to release some of that anger.
Thats what WERE here for!

There are those of us here that understand what you are going through, and some of us/or should say I may never say it...it seems unfair sometimes to work so hard to correct something, just to have someone hit you with this, just once you thought things were going great. I know from personal experiences...and it sucks!

Just don't give up....keep doing what your doing and it will get better...maybe not as soon as you want it too...but it will. Your a strong woman Shewolf..that doesn't let things like bills defeat her purpose in life...

Now..get your head up...wipe your eyes.....and know that everyone here loves you...and are here to let you vent...help with advice...to to listen....
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Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:32 am
Hang in there, shewolf. Take a walk, vent here, and when you can collect yourself, call that shitty-ass company and set up payments. It's all you can do. And tell them, as a way of negotiating, that if they don't agree to waive the late fees and collection fees, you will just file bankruptcy since you don't think it can hurt your credit any worse than they just have. They would rather have some money than none. Just remember that. Even though they can screw your credit, what they really want is your money. You still have the upper hand in bargaining. As far as they know, you could give two shits about your credit. Tell them you want to pay them something, but if they can't waive the fees then you can't pay them.

Hang on, I know this sucks. I know it's taking too long. But you will get there. You will. There's just no other option.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:39 am
Yeah, what FD said...

DON'T call them while you're really pissed off. I know that's hard...but just wait until you're cooled down.

Then get out there and FIGHT!

But fight SMART.

PS It's totally ok to cry.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:40 am
Sometimes life is just one damn thing after another--with a beloved child right in the middle of your outrage.

Hold your dominion.
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Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 11:49 am
im not a stranger to these set backs unfortunatly. and this isnt the first time i have watched our credit take a dive while we are trying to boost it up.
but 100 points ? oh my god. i feel like i might as well have not done a single thing and just took a loan no matter what the interest rate. ****. i would settle for a 12% loan right now if it gave us our own space and peace.

i know this is only temporary. i really do. but jesus christ. 100 points.
i am in the neater-world of credit right now. I couldnt even get a 20 dollar loan from some check cashing place with this.
if i break down that seven grand. it comes from the company who i had my truck financed through. I was able to do an auto/credit card loan with them. I had to have the truck repoed because we were moving in here and could not afford to keep it. and at that time, i wasnt sure iw as going to be able to work again my hips were so bad.
when the truck was taken, i only owed 1,200 on it. they sold it for 1800 LESS then what I owed. So my amount due went up to 1800.
I dont remember the credit card, but it wasnt a definate part of the auto loan, but through the same company.
they were filed seperatly according to the credit report of 3 months ago.
now, all fees have been rolled together, both outstanding amounts, and any other piece of change this company decided to put in there.
I am not even sure how they got to this amount because my highest credit card EVER was 5,000. ANd that was paid off over 6 years ago. Paid off completely.. by me, and THEN I closed the card. It never went to collections. I was always on time.
so how did this company get 7000?! guess i just found my new task
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:08 pm
Ok, do they have an itemized statement of the $7000 they say they owe you? DO NOT agree to pay ANY part of it just yet. Send them a letter stating that this is not a refusal to pay but a request for them to provide more information and to launch an investigation into this debt.

Include the following for your request:
--The original amount of the debt.
--The date the debt was incurred.
--The name and address of the original creditor.
--A statement that the debt has not been paid.

Put THEM in the corner.

Copy letters to the original creditor, if you know it, and all three credit bureaus. Also enclose a letter to the bureaus asking for the letters to be put on file. That way, should this debt magically reappear you have some backing.

Start taping all phone calls from them until you send the letter and they stop calling. If they are harassing you, you can sue the pants off them.

One the company gets back to you , should they provide the information you requested above, you now have to request validation. Here is where you can win or settle. Tell them you request validation, not verification, of your said debt. NEVER own up to this debt until they have provided you with irrefutable proof that it is all yours. Request the following:

--What the money you say I owe is for;
--Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
--Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
--Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
--Identify the original creditor;
--Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
--Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
--Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent

Again, put THEM in the corner.

If they provide this proof for you, you may have to pay. But FIGHT it. They may not have the proof and may not want to bother to find it.

I won. I beat the collection agency so I know you can too. They will try and tack on every damn charge they can to run up a bill you don't owe.

These are the letters I used when I was being pursued unfairly by a collection agency.

This is the request for an investigation by the collection agency. Letter #1.

Dear Customer Service Manager:

I received a letter in the mail stating that my account with Sprint PCS (# XXXXX) had been sold to Cavalry SPVI, LLC in the amount of $1716.75. I do not believe that this debt amount is correct. I have not been a customer with XXXXX for approximately three years and have not received any correspondence from them regarding this account for some time. XXXX was remiss in contacting me regarding penalty, interest or delinquency fees that may have occurred in this time period and I do not feel I am responsible for any and all amounts pertaining to these fees, or any other fees that were issued after the termination of my contract with them.

I spoke with Candace on January 10th regarding my options to resolve this matter. She offered a $1000 settlement of my account or an investigation into the history of my account debt. Because XXXX was unable to provide me with documentation of this debt total when I contacted them on January 9th, and I cannot in good conscience pay any part of a debt that cannot be validated, I am requesting that Cavalry launch an investigation, procure the proper documentation and send an itemization of this debt in writing to me. At that time, I will be willing to discuss payment options and/or settlement amount regarding any debt that may be due. This correspondence is to inform you that until such time I will not be responsible for any debt that cannot be verified.

Please contact me with any questions. I will be expecting correspondence with you soon. If I have not heard back from you by February 11th, 2005, I will consider this matter closed and assume no liability regarding reference number XXXXX in the amount of $1716.75.



This is letter #2 when I wrote to the collection agency to confirm that the account was under investigation.

Dear Customer Service Manager,

This is to confirm that my account has been put under investigation as to the validity of the debt sold to you by XXXX in the amount of $1716.75. I spoke with a customer service representative on the evening of February 15, 2005 around 8pm and he confirmed that my account was in investigation.

Please contact me with any further questions.

Thank you,


In addition to above, I also sent this to the original creditor.

Dear Collections Manager:

This letter is to inform you that I have launched an investigation into the total debt amount you sold to Cavalry SPVI, LLC in my name, in the amount of $1716.75. I have enclosed a copy of the letter to them for your reference.

Should this debt not be verified in its entirety, the account returned to you as un-collectible and resubmitted to another collection agency, I will continue to pursue documentation as to the validity of the total debt in regards to my account with you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via the address listed above.



This is letter #4, when the company sent me a statement with just the total amount of the said debt on it. Verification not validation. Work with words here. My validation letter to the collection agency.

Reference # 0XXXXX - Validation of Debt

To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is being sent to you in response to a notice sent to me on April 7, 2005. Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim of debt is disputed and validation is requested. In my original letter of validation, I requested an itemized statement and the proper documentation, neither of which I received. The "verification" you sent is a written version of the phone conversation I had with both you and XXXX.
I respectfully request that your offices provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you any or all of the said debt.
So that there is no more confusion on my request for validation, please provide me with the following:
• What the money you say I owe you is for;
• Identify the original creditor;
• Explain and show how you or the original creditor calculated what you say I owe; meaning an itemization of the individual charges totaling what you say I owe;
• Provide me with copies of any documents that show I entered into a contract with the original creditor and/ or agreed upon payment for service;
• Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
• Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
• Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
• Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent
If your offices are able to provide the proper and sufficient documentation as requested I will require at least 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all collection activity must cease and desist.
Also during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered detrimental to any of my credit reports, I will consult with my legal counsel for suit. This includes any information to a credit reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated or verifying an account as accurate when in fact there is no provided proof that it is.
If your offices fail to respond to this validation request within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of such deletion request shall be sent to me immediately.
I would also like to request, in writing, that no telephone contact be made by your offices to my home or to my place of employment. If your offices attempt telephone communication with me, including but not limited to computer generated calls and calls or correspondence sent to or with any third parties, it will be considered harassment and I will have no choice but to file suit. All future communications with me MUST be done in writing and sent to the address noted in this letter.

It would be advisable that you assure that your records are in order before I am forced to take legal action.

Best Regards,


Once the collection agency admitted they had no proof of debt, and sent me a notice saying they were ceasing collection on it, I sent this out to the original creditor. Letter #5

Dear Collections Manager:

This letter is to inform you of a resolution with Cavalry SPVI LLC regarding the account listed above and the said debt in the amount of $1716.75. Please see enclosed resolution letter.

As this debt cannot be validated with an itemized statement of all charges, I am requesting that you send me a letter stating that you, XXX, will no longer pursue this debt, will not re-sell this debt to any other collection agency and will remove all listings regarding this debt from my credit report.

Please contact me at the address above with any questions concerning this request.


Here is a copy of the letter I sent originally to the credit bureaus.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing this in regards to the following adverse credit information on my report:

XXX (account # XXXXX) / Cavalry SPVI, LLC (reference # 0XXXXX) in the amount of $1717.

I am currently in the process of disputing the validity of this total debt as reported to Cavalry SPVI, LLC by XXXXX. In accordance with the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I request that this letter be made a part of my credit file and disseminated with any request for a credit report on me. Additionally, I request that said entry be deleted should the debt not be substantiated.

Thank you,


This is a long ass process. 6 months or more. But it was worth it. So worth it!!!!!!!!

CC everyone and god. I'm serious. Keep records of everything.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:13 pm
Send 'em regular mail as well as return-receipt requested.

Also, ask for copies of the original contracts.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:13 pm
Oh yeah, send everything with delivery confirmation.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:16 pm
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 12:55 pm
Shewolf, I can't really add anything more than has already been said, but I really feel for you at this moment in time. Don't let emotions get in the way of achieving your desired result, though. Cold, determined and clinical is the way that you should be with the money sharks and paper shufflers, but you know that already.

May I say that it never fails to impress me, how much you all support one another here on A2K. I feel privileged to know you, even though it is only in the electronic sense. I'm waffling now, so I'll shut up.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:00 pm
Personally, I just come here for the sex talk.

What little advice and support I can give is just a bonus.

Unfortunately, in this instance, it looks like others have beaten me to the punch. All I can say is hang tough, shewolf. This too shall pass.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:08 pm
Wow Bella - That is really great advice.

You've got it dead on.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:09 pm
Hugs to shewolf, dolling, this, too, shall pass. I know that's trite, but aach, helfino what to say, except hang in there and vent here all you like.

Big smooches to Bella for giving the absolute best credit repair advice I have ever seen in my years online. Truly stellar.

People ask me, "Why do you post online? What could possibly be the benefit?" Well, this is the benefit, dammit. It's the friendship. Hang on LordE, I'm rambling with ya. Er, waffling. Hand me the syrup (that was for blacksmithmn).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:17 pm
Bravo Bella! That was gorgeous.

Vent away, shewolf, it's vent-worthy. Then when you feel like you've vented enough, square your shoulders, put your head down, and get going. You can do it.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 01:43 pm
Embarrassed Thank you...

I posted it with such confidence because it worked for me.

I don't know if Shewolf's situation is the same as mine but it sounds familiar...collection agency picks up a debt that's been fermenting in the backroom of a company, incurring interest and penalities...and then the result is a debt twice the size of the one you actually owe. And the original creditor didn't bother to track you down so now you have this monster debt.

The good news is that many times the original creditor doesn't have the files anymore because they have purged their system when it is sold to a collection agency. So when the agency goes to validate the debt, they can't because there isn't any information any more.

Is it dishonest to get out of paying a debt you owe? Maybe a little bit. But is it fair to make someone pay twice what they owe? No way. And my theory was if you can't prove it, I am not paying. You wouldn't give me $500 just because I said you owed me so why in the world would you think I'd give it to you just because you said so?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 02:03 pm
Really great advice from Bella. So good, I'm filing it away should I need it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 02:15 pm
oh yeah!
that was a rockin post!

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 May, 2006 02:31 pm
i have to say this,
I feel better having cried like that.

I have not shed a tear in a long time. Not from frustration, anger, pain, nothing.
So.. hmm.. this kind of feels good.

Im still staring out into space when I think of my credit score. I know what I need to do, but there is a part of me screaming like a 2 year old
" I dont owe that company. How dare they try to weasel their way around on my credit in HOPES of getting money. I dont want to pay those assholes."

I honestly have not done a single thing on this issue yet. I found them on the internet to get their address.. but.. im slumping my shoulders when I think of what I could/ have/ should do to correct this.
I just dont have the immediate energy to tackle this.
And I am going to give myself the time and space to do just that.

I am no longer on a time schedule to get out of here. If it happens sooner then FINE. if it doesnt, oh well.
The more MIL drinks , the less she comes out of her room and Im ok with that.
It might be an investment to my sanity to buy her a bottle tonight so that I can have a quiet house tonight.......

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