Thu 18 May, 2006 02:10 pm
Anyone know the title of HP number 7 yet?
Just the rumors -
Harry Potter and the Chariots of Light; Harry Potter and the Fortress of Shadows.
I'm anxiously awaiting it, though. I love this series.
Any predictions about the story?
There's a passage at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry and Dumbledore are having their usual denouement discussion and Dumbledore says something to the effect of "The day may come when you will be glad you saved Peter Pettigrew's life." (I don't have the exact text handy.) So far nothing related to this has happened (unless I've overlooked something) but I'd be willing to bet Rowling is foreshadowing something... I'm anxious to see if something pivotal happens in the last book that relates to these mysterious words.
Yes, shapeless, I've been wondering about that, too.
i just recently listened to all the books, and am now reading them, i'm so looking forward to the seventh book, let's hope it stands up to all the pressure of the preceding volumes
I need to read them, I adore the movies...
I know, I, probably nothing like the movies, but better!
actually up to number three not to far off, but the books get biggera nd bigger and from four on they have to start cutting stuff to fit the length of a movie, to be honest i'm not sure how they are going to fit all the relevant parts into movies 5 & 6, the books are freeking huge and very little info is expendable
I also have a vague and, admittedly, more far-fetched hunch that Hermione's SPEW is going to have some surprisingly big role to play.
Latest Harry Potter info
I'm bothered by Harry's noble write-off of Ginny. I hope she gets worked into the story despite his need to go it alone. She's been too prominent to be abandoned by Rowling as a sacrifice...
I think the Weasleys in general will have an important role to play in this final book. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I have a hunch that Percy will be at least tempted by the "dark side." And I think something has to happen to finally "redeem" the Weasley name... perhaps Arthur as the next Minister of Magic?
Dumbledore is not dead! I think that you know how in the 6th book they are talking about non-verbal spells. I think that when Snape is about to kill dumbledore he says "Avada Kedavra" but I think that he thinks some teleporting spell and he teleports him somewhere else.
What do you think?????
No, I think he's dead. I don't think his portrait would have appeared on the wall of the headmaster's office if he weren't dead. Also, you can't Apparate or Disapparate on Hogwarts grounds, and even if Snape found a way, it's not like Dumbledore's body disappeared; he was at the base of the tower for everyone to see.
Coming into the thread late, but Dumbledore is dead- Jo confermed it..sorry guys
I just wanted to bookmark this thread mostly, but I also have to tell you, Italy16, your location is very funny. Love it!
great thread... i'm also waiting with great anticipation for the release...
i still can't get over the fact that padfoot is dead...i mean...yeah maybe, he comes back in the 7th installation...
Here 'tis....the last Harry Potter title:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!!!
Final 'Harry Potter' title announced
Yep, so excited!!
so does anyone have any new theories about the title? i personaly think it has something to do with Godric's Hallow, where Harry's parents were killed.
Quote:Italy16, your location is very funny. Love it!
i also imagine that Harry & Voldemort will be having a big battle, and Voldemort's going to die. I'm just guessing, because Voldemort has to be killed off.
J.K. Rowling has said that two major characters are going to die in this one. My guess is Snape and Voldemort, though I wouldn't put it past her to kill off Voldemort and Harry. Unlikely, in my opinion, but I think Rowling is capable of just about anything at this point.
Incidentally, the release date has been announced: July 21.