Even though my bosses were very well aware of how sick I was by Friday night, my manager still gave me a "sigh" and a disappointed "ok" when I called in sick Saturday, so I didn't bother calling today
I have a docs appointment tomorrow and I'm gonna get the week off, along with every Saturday off as well.
Doc strongly advised me not to return to this job due to all the illnesses it's causing me, which are brutal due to the fact that I have asthma and acid refux, so he ain't gonna be too pleases that I went back.
I did apply for another job before returning, but they never called me :-(
Anyway, this will have to be my last year I work in the very cold, damp fish plant type atmosphere.
Last year I had 6 flu's while working here and I'm never sick when I'm away from there for a week or more.