Fri 5 May, 2006 09:18 am
Ontario, Canada.
Ontario Works Laws and regulations says something about if a person works more than 44 hours then they are paid every hour over 44 hours. The job I work at covers me. I just need to know how does this work? For instance what do they base our pay on?
Is it based on per week? For example 48 hours/week (for one week) = 4 hours over time pay. Could it be based on the average/year for instance if a person works 9hrs./week on average then works 66hrs. in ONE week are they still entitled to overtime pay? Thanks.
It's exactly what you stated. There's no averages involved. Anything above 44 hours is overtime. So if you work 45 hours one week, you're paid one additional hour of overtime. if you work 50 hours another week, you're paid 5 hours of overtime for that week.
At least that's how it is in US.