Thu 4 May, 2006 07:07 am
I am looking for tables that state what you can claim as travel time between locations in the U.S., for business travel. Where might I find those?
I routinely make a trip that takes me six hours each way. My boss told me that most people didn't code that many hours. I think he's full of ----.
On average, we have to be at the airport at least 1.5 hours before the flight. The flight takes three hours. It takes another hour or so to get our bags and get to our destination.
I'm counting 5.5 and rounding up since it is never shorter.
Someone must know how to find or have access to these at work. I don't care if they are public or private information, just how long do you get to count for trip from Michigan to Texas?
Here's a site that talks about it.
As it says, though, you are better off discussing it with a CPA since the rules are so complex.
No, I'm not trying to take deductions, I'm trying to get compensation from my employer for the time spent travelling. My 8th Sunday trip to Houston is coming up - that's 8x6=48 hours of time I've given them just going TO Houston, not to mention coming home.
Apparently this is what they expect. I've never worked for a company that didn't have some sort of comp time policy before. It sucks.
That's harsh. I've never even heard of a company that doesn't offer some sort of comenstation for that. The company I work for has a plan, but I have no idea what it is since I don't travel for my job.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
I'm not sure there's a general rule for it. I think it's probably whatever the individual company decides it is. You'd probably have to talk to whoever authorizes the reimbursement to find out what you company's policy is. Hopefully it's not, "whatever we decide it is when you submit it".