I strongly object... to the thread having a finale already!
My living room in three pics:
I own about 5 thousand books, and 90% of them are fantasy or scifi.
I've probably read another 2 thousand scifi/fantasy in my lifetime; I doubt there's a series out there that I haven't read from time to time.
The imagination and ideas inside fantasy and scifi far surpass any other creative works. There just isn't much media out there that can open your mind up to new thoughts, not just about technology and outer space, but about psychology, government, inter-personal relationships, religion and spirituality, and the general 'purpose of life,' just to name a few.
We humans are largely creatures who define our lives through the boundaries set upon us. Fantasy and Scifi remove those boundaries from the storyteller, allowing him to truly utilitze creative and interesting ideas to a far greater extent than those writers constrained by 'reality.'
Of course, there is both good and bad scifi. Someone earlier in the thread - ebrown? - stated that they had just finished Ender's Game; if you haven't read that book, please do, it's one of the best.